Coupon Trains

Here on, we have an active group of coupon traders who have boarded the train to savings! Coupon trains are a great way to weed out coupons that you don’t need and replace them with coupons that you do need. The “train” is an envelope full of coupons which makes the rounds from person to person on a list. Each person is a “stop” on the train. When the envelope arrives, you take out the coupons you need, and replace them with coupons of equal or greater value for similar items that you don’t need. Trains are often organized … Continue reading

Checking Traders Feedback

When someone contacts you for a trade, take a few minutes to check his or her feedback to see what kind of trader they are. If you see they don’t have any feedback, ask them if they have a feedback link from another board. It could be they just signed up with and haven’t yet established feedback at our board. If they are new to trading coupons and haven’t established any feedback, ask if they have any feedback from ebay or any other site, which might allow you to see they are a trustworthy person. If they don’t have … Continue reading

Why do you trade for coupons?

Some of you may be wondering what is the big deal about trading coupons, and why would you need to when you can just clip the coupons out of the Sunday paper. There are many reasons to trade for coupons. Following are some reason why trading for coupons can be very beneficial in saving big bucks on your grocery bill. *Different Valued Coupons – This can play a big part in the reason people trade for coupons. As I have stated in my previous blogs, values of coupons can change from region to region. Chances are, you will not get … Continue reading

Get Started Trading Coupons

When starting out trading coupons, it can be a bit overwhelming and frustrating. As with any new thing you do, you will soon start learning the ropes and become more knowledgeable. I wish there were someone around, when I first started out to show me the ropes. I hope that this will give you a great start in getting started trading coupons. There isn’t one right or wrong way to trade coupons. Everyone has their own method, as to what works best for them. There is no requirement that you need to make a wishlist or a haveslist. Many great … Continue reading

Make it a fast easy trade

Don’t be afraid to make your first trade. If you see someone’s wishlist and you have the coupons they are looking for, you also see something they have, and you want it – go for it! Here are some tips on making a fast, easy trade that should get good results. A trade usually shouldn’t take more than 3 or 4 PM’s (between both parties). 1st PM: When contacting someone, you want to fist tell him or her what you have from their wishlist. Type the specific coupons you have for them, including the value, any size restrictions, how many … Continue reading