Adventures by Disney: New Destinations for 2012

Earlier this year I wrapped up my look at the travel offerings of Adventures by Disney, the Mouse House’s vacation planning and tour organization. Now for 2012 AbD has added several new trip options to their list, most new tours of previously visited sites and one venturing to a new realm for the first time. The completely new destination now offered by AbD is Greece. The majority of the Greek trip focuses on the ancient country’s rich history: take a guided tour of the Pananthinaiko Olympic Stadium in Athens and hear stories while exploring the Acropolis. Travel to the oracle … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: Urban History

The time has arrived for my final look at Adventures by Disney. It’s fitting that today’s blog features a vacation that takes its guests to Disneyland, among other more urban and historical retreats throughout the United States. To my surprise, there are currently no Adventures by Disney trips to either Disney World or to New York City. I could have sworn that AbD at least went to the latter some point, but for whatever reason that’s not on the table this year. Instead, AbD’s East Coast tour focuses on colonial history, with an 8-day 7-night Mid-Atlantic Family Vacation. Or as … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: The Natural North American Continent

My penultimate look at Adventures by Disney remains on the mainland, discovering the natural wonders of The United States and Canada. Those who don’t want to go overseas but want to experience the raw beauty their own continent has to offer should love today’s look at the next three AbD vacations. The first of our stops today, like our last look at AbD, features tours both in America and Canada. It looks at two of the countries’ gigantic national parks: Glacier National Park in Montana and Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. This 8-day, 7-night vacation is all about taking … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: Alaska and Vancouver

Finally I come to the beginning of the end of my look at the many Adventures by Disney. Today I start my examination of what AbD’s got on offer for its home continent of North America. This blog will focus on the tours in Alaska and the Canadian city of Vancouver. The nature lovers should revel in AbD’s trip to Alaska. Travelers will spend 8 days and 7 nights touring the U.S.A.’s largest state. As you might guess, the Alaska Family Vacation focuses on the wide variety of nature activities available in the state. Visit and learn the history of … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney Cruises

Are you torn between taking an exciting Adventure by Disney to an exotic location and relaxing on a luxurious floating city on a Disney cruise? Don’t worry, you needn’t choose between the two. Adventures by Disney offers three different cruise options, all being tours through warm European regions. Sail through the Mediterranean on one of two offered trips or explore the historic Spanish city of Barcelona while retiring to the sea at night. Like many other multiple AbD trips to the same area, the main difference between the two Mediterranean Magic Family Cruise Vacations is length, and thus the amount … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: Italy and The Alps

After facing yet another hectic Christmas at home or running around visiting relatives, does getting away for the holiday season sound appealing? Then maybe you should think about taking an Adventure by Disney in Italy. Disney has four different travel options for Italy, only one of which currently offers tour dates in late December of next year. So let’s start our off our look at Adventures by Disney in Italy and The Alps there. The Italy Family Vacation takes its group through Rome, Tuscany, and Venice over 9 days and 8 nights. Your whole family will have the opportunity to … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: Europe

Now that we’re coming to the Adventures by Disney trips in Europe and North America, I will have to break up these sections into even smaller increments because there are so many travel options. Today I will focus on Adventures by Disney’s trips in England, France, Ireland, and Germany. Adventures by Disney offers two separate trips in England and France: the Gateway to London and Paris tour and the England and France Family Vacation. Despite the names, however, both seven-day six-night tours include only London and Paris. I find that a bit disappointing, because many of the other Adventures by … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: Central and South America

This month I started my look at the unique Adventures by Disney vacation program by highlighting their trips to Asia, Africa, and Australia. This week I’d like to overview Adventures by Disney in Central and South America. Those interested in taking a Disney-led trip to Central or South America have four options: two seven-day-stays in Costa Rica, one the normal Family vacation and one the Family Signature, 10 days in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, or nine days in Peru. There actually aren’t too many differences between the two Costa Rica vacations. On both families get to visit a pineapple … Continue reading

Adventures by Disney: The A’s

I talk so much about the Disney parks around here, especially the domestic ones, that it might appear those are the only Disney vacations available. However, there are many other Disney vacation options out there, and today I’m starting a recurring column on one of the largest: Adventures by Disney. Adventures by Disney consists of a series of guided tours along various locations in the world. You pay a lot more than you probably would just planning a trip on your own, unless you’re going all out, but for your money you receive a one-of-a-kind experience. Adventures by Disney provides … Continue reading

Celebrate on Ice with Disney

Ice skating was always a part of my life growing up. My brother and I were too uncoordinated to be good at going to rinks ourselves and succeed at much other than garnering a wide collection of bruises, but my mother loved watching ice skating. Any time a major competition aired, my mom would settle in to watch, and I would join her. As the years went by I developed an appreciation for the combination of artistry and athleticism that made up the sport. Our viewing also came with a healthy dose of awe for something we’d never be able … Continue reading