An Unexpected Job Offer

Every so often we are approached by a headhunter, previous co-worker or associate that has a job offer. These are often unplanned and unexpected, at a time we may not even be looking for a change. How should you handle these sorts of situations? First, let it boost your ego a bit. Certainly, someone has recognized your skills and quality of work. This should make you feel proud. Still, don’t let this feeling go to your head. Just because someone wants you… doesn’t mean you have to go! When presented with an opportunity you were not exactly looking for, you … Continue reading

Finding Value in Your Job

The reality is that we spend more time working in our lives than doing any other activity. In order to make it through life truly satisfied; you need to find some value in your job. This does not mean you have to make a ton of money or only do work that benefits society as a whole. What it means is you have to find a way to be true to yourself in your career choices. Before you can determine the best job, you have to take some time to get to know YOU. While this can be harder than … Continue reading

Jobs in Disaster Relief

As much of the world has done, I have watched in horror the utter destruction of parts of China which has overshadowed the tragedy in Myanmar by its press coverage. I have a close friend in China right now. She is safe, but was near the quake and has shared briefly that there is utter destruction and hopelessness all around. She is a trained EMT and can help, but as a foreigner is powerless to do so unless invited. In honor of her, and the recent tragedies that have occurred in Asia these last two weeks I’ve decided to write … Continue reading

Getting Paid to Do What You Love

You’ll often hear when you first start out that the way to go about finding a career is figuring out what you love to do and finding someone who will pay you to do it. Makes sense–but it’s often easier said than done. However, taking the time necessary to figure out what you love to do and then developing a strategy to get there is well worth the effort. My Husband Yes, today I’m going to write about my husband, who started out as a Psychology major. His goal has always been to work with children and having had some … Continue reading

Is An Internship Really Worth It?

Internships, are generally unpaid positions (or they pay very little) doing necessary but menial work in a particular field. Generally they are offered college students. Despite their lack of pay, this is one invaluable experience that you shouldn’t pass up if given the opportunity. An Incredible Learning Opportunity Often internships give participants the chance to learn some incredibly interesting material. While it’s true that you may spend some time doing menial tasks, you’ll also spend some time learning the ins and outs of an office in your chosen career. Generally, people at an internship are open to questions and so … Continue reading

Great Careers: Urban Planner and “Others”

This is the blog to watch if you’re looking to change careers or are just starting to consider what your career options will be. The best careers are chosen based a variety of factors including prestige, pay, and job security. Urban Planning Being an urban planner requires that you wear several different hats. Civil engineer, diplomat, and architect are among a few. In large areas you can probably specialize in something like redeveloping neighborhoods and building them up, but in smaller communities you would do it all. You have to choose projects, field interests from competing developers’ interests and immerse … Continue reading

Great Careers: Registered Nurse to Systems Analyst

This is the blog to watch if you’re looking to change careers or are just starting to consider what your career options will be. The best careers are chosen based a variety of factors including prestige, pay, and job security. Registered Nurse Registered nurses have a lot of options available to them–from working in a hospital to being a legal consultant and helping lawyers determine the validity of claims. Not only that but if the desire is to work directly with patients, you can just about pick any specialty you want. The major down side is that you generally have … Continue reading

More Great Careers: Physician’s Assistant to Professor

This is the blog to watch if you’re looking to change careers or are just starting to consider what your career options will be. The best careers are chosen based a variety of factors including prestige, pay, and job security. Physician’s Assistant This is the career choice for you if you always wanted to be a doctor but the length of training turns you off. The road to becoming a physician’s assistant is generally three years after a bachelor’s degree. The downside is that getting into a training program is highly competitive and at this point, most people have a … Continue reading

Great Careers: Locksmith to Pharmacist

This is the blog to watch if you’re looking to change careers or are just starting to consider what your career options will be. The best careers are chosen based a variety of factors including prestige, pay, and job security. Locksmith This to me was very surprising but as we’ve noted before, one key to job satisfaction is your ability to use your skills to help people, especially when they’re in crisis. Today’s locksmiths not only can make you feel safer after a break in, or come to your rescue the day you leave your keys in the car, they … Continue reading

More Great Careers: Higher Education Administrator to Librarian

This is the blog to watch if you’re looking to change careers or are just starting to consider what your career options will be. The best careers are chosen based a variety of factors including prestige, pay, and job security. Higher Education Administrator If you don’t like little kids but you like the thought of working a typical school year (summers off, Christmas break, etc.) you might like working at a University. Management jobs abound because universities have to supply a variety of services to resident students. Everything from managing the custodial services to working in the registrar’s office; opportunities … Continue reading