What Should You Do if Your Company Wants You to Move Overseas?

In this global economy, more of us are working for organizations that are international in scope. As trouble has hit the American economy, some of these companies are shutting down United States facilities and moving their workforce overseas. In addition, many multi-national organizations routinely offer the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder by switching offices. Therefore, whatever your nationality might be, you could be asked to move from your home to a completely new culture. What you do in this case is entirely personal. However, there are some advantages about working in a foreign land worth mentioning. 1. In … Continue reading

How To Recession Proof Yourself At Your Job

Earlier, we took a look at a few careers that might well become a safe haven during a recession. However, as I pointed out, no job is 100% recession proof and most financial experts are saying that the best course of action is to make yourself recession proof. But how exactly do you go about doing that? You take the time to prove yourself an invaluable employee. You really want your employers to see you as versatile and indispensable. Should a lay off in your job be necessary, you want your employers to think that it would cost them more … Continue reading

Are You In a Recession Proof Job?

If you listen or read anything about finances at all, no doubt you’re becoming intimately acquainted with the word recession. Whether you think we’re in one now, or whether we’re just on the brink of a recession–things are getting tougher financially. Gone are the days of economic boom and returning are the days of frugality and preparedness. There is truly no such thing as a “recession proof” job. All jobs are subjected to the same woes of financial crisis however, experts say that some industries are indeed safer than others. However, what most industry experts are saying is that it … Continue reading

Do Companies Actually Reward Loyalty and Longevity at a Job?

I just finished reading an article about Circuit City employees that were laid off because they were making too much money. This was not one or two random people who had been with the company for a long time, but instead 3,400 people who had been with Circuit City for years (think 15 -20 years.) In return for their loyalty to the company and the fact that they were sticking with a job that usually has high turnover (retail sales positions at a big box store is usually considered an entry-level job, and as a result has very high turnover) … Continue reading

How to Stay Healthy at the Office

I work in an office where people tramp in and out all day long. Employees, clients, and random people with nothing better to do (I’ve had a couple of those in the last week) all come down to the office to talk, which is fine, of course, except when they leave “presents” behind–those nasty things called germs. I have already been yucky sick this winter when I got a bad case of bronchitis and laryngitis. I was out of work for two days, which isn’t an experience I want to live through again any time soon. Problems are not solved … Continue reading

How Many Baskets Do You Have?

Being an Idahoan, I have heard some pretty hick sayings from time to time, and this is one of those proverbs: Never put all of your eggs in one basket. But a truer statement has never been made, especially in relation to the working-from-home world everyone seems to want to inhabit. It all comes down to this: You are the only one looking after you. Companies come, and sometimes they go. For the most part, if your job can be done from home, it can be done by somebody in the Philippines or India, and can be done cheaper by … Continue reading

Do You Go Into Work When You Are Sick?

If you are the type of employee that drags yourself into the office no matter how sick you are I have news for you—your boss and colleagues would rather you didn’t. Don’t believe me? A new survey found 56% of employers say that “presenteeism” — when sick employees show up for work — is a problem for them. The reason: sick employees can weaken the corporate bottom line. If you are sick, stay home. That’s the message employers’ are sending to their ill employees. According to the survey, people reporting for work not only have a lower rate of productivity, … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Slack—On The Job—Around The Holidays

If you are looking to advance your career you shouldn’t let the lure of dancing sugarplums and gingerbread men distract you this holiday season. According to career counselors, the holidays are no time to be slacking in your efforts if you are trying to move up the career ladder. On the contrary, experts say this is a time of real opportunity because a lot of your competitors are taking time off to decorate their homes, spend time with their families, and purchase gifts to stick under the tree. In addition, studies show the beginning of a new year is often … Continue reading

Being Punctual: Why Is It Important?

There are those among us in the working world (this author included) who would rather die than be late for anything. In fact, it’s so bad that the earlier I can be sometimes, the better. Of course, this is not recommended behavior and, is just as problematic in its own way as being chronically late. Anyway, when you are coming to work or involved in business affairs, to be late reflects badly and is a classic faux pas no-no. Just consider why someone should trust you with an account or any other type of job situation if you don’t have … Continue reading

What is The Glass Cliff Phenomenon?

For those of you out there who might think this concerns that sweet gal with the golden slipper of that fairy tale of old, I assure you it doesn’t. The glass cliff is a modern phenomenon that affects the working world and particularly the women trying to make their way through it in the most negative of ways. Identified in a recent English study conducted by two professors at Exeter University, the glass cliff phenomenon is a situation that occurs whenever companies appoint women to higher management only after suffering severe reverses, almost insuring a precarious position for the woman … Continue reading