Job Professionalism: What Exactly Is It?

There are some purists out there who might say that if you have to ask the question there’s not a chance in that very warm place below that you will ever understand the answer. Still, I am more broad-minded, and believe that even the comatose can learn to live and understand again! The following thoughts apply to any job, at least to my demented mind. They reflect an appropriate attitude and that is the point (or the rub if you prefer Shakespearean terms.). Seriously folks, it doesn’t matter what you do for a living; professionalism refers to HOW you do … Continue reading

Kinds of Part Time Jobs – Part 2

Here are more part time jobs that you might want to consider: Waiting Tables This job involves taking orders from customers, bringing them their meal and meeting their needs while they are at the restaurant. Your hours will likely be in the evenings because this is when the restaurants have the most traffic. However, lunch or breakfast shifts may be open depending on the restaurant. Pros: •Opportunity to interact with people •You are usually very busy your entire shift, which helps to make the time pass quickly •You receive tips nightly, which provides immediate cash-in-hand Cons: •You have to work … Continue reading

Kinds of Part Time Jobs – Part 1

When you decide to take a part time job, it can be overwhelming when you first start out. There are so many places that you could apply, but you also wonder if they are hiring and if it would be a good place to work. Below, I have outlined several of the most common (and easiest to find) part time jobs along with their pros and cons. Pizza Delivery With this type of job, you would work for a pizza franchise delivering pizzas to customers and possibly also helping to make the pizzas or doing other tasks around the restaurant. … Continue reading

Will a Part Time Job Work For Your Family?

When you decide to take on a part time job, it definitely will have an impact on your family life. In the two most common scenarios either the stay at home parent will now be working outside the home or one or both of the parents who currently work will be working two jobs. When considering taking on a part time job, it is important to think about how it will affect your family’s schedule. You need to decide if the benefit that comes from the extra money outweighs the loss of family time or flexibility. Here are the pros … Continue reading

Why Get a Part Time Job?

There are a lot of reasons that a part time job is a good idea. The next few blogs will discuss part time jobs, where to find them and how to make them work for you. First of all, you need to decide if a part time job is going to be the best thing for you and your family. People approach part time employment from many different situations, but often they decide that this employment is the best thing for them. Here are a few of the main reasons that people consider part time employment: Stay At Home Moms/Dads … Continue reading

How To Get Out the Door to Work (Without Losing Your Mind)

The alarm goes off and the familiar record begins to play in your head. Is this a work day? Yep. Do I have to go? Probably. Can I call in? How many sick days do I have left? I don’t know about you, but I go through this routine with myself almost every morning. The responsible part of me usually wins and even if that doesn’t, then the idea of my students sitting in the classroom waiting for me usually does the trick. It’s definitely a battle to get up and get out of the door in the morning. Very … Continue reading

How To Keep Your Job

Finding a job is difficult, but for some people keeping it is even more difficult. I have found in my line of work that some people just don’t know what employers want. They get the job, they stay for a few months and then they are back in my office saying that they don’t know what happened. I finally had to create curriculum called “How To Keep Your Job” to include in my classes. Here are some of the most important things about keeping your job. Surveys of employers around the country have show that most employers want the same … Continue reading