Politically Correct Emails

Listen you all… this is important. Emails are hard-copied versions of words that once sent, cannot be taken back. This is critical to remember, whenever you send an email. However, it is super critical when the email is work related or sent from your employer’s email account. Many employers have become paranoid about how their employees use email. Therefore, whether they are open about it or not, they are often watching you and your email account. Yes, it may sound like a scary big brother episode. Still, look at it from the company’s perspective. If you send an email out … Continue reading

Fine Tune Technology and Computer Skills

With almost all jobs these days, there is some level of technological background required. However, the vast variety of computer systems, programs, and software applications can be overwhelming. How do you decide where to spend your time (and money) when looking to upgrade your technological skills? First, make sure you have the basics. Whether you are currently employed or on the job hunt, there are some important skills we all need in today’s business world. 1. Microsoft Word and Excel – Even if you use these regularly there are always new features and upgrades. Keeping abreast of these changes will … Continue reading

Job Security

Often with job boredom, also comes job security. Typically, once you have worked long enough at a job for the same company, you gain a level of security. The advantage to job security is that you don’t worry about losing your job. The disadvantage is with longevity also comes boredom. Not all companies or industries can provide job security, especially with our economy. However, unless you have poor job performance, it is usually the newest members of the team who are let go first. This is particularly true in large companies or union-based professions. If you are lucky enough to … Continue reading

Job Burnout is Real

No matter how much you love your employer, co-workers or job… job burnout is a real phenomenon that strikes us all at some point. Recently some wise companies have recognized this and started to add sabbaticals to long standing employees. Either way, the key is to be able to recognize the symptoms in yourself, your loved ones, your co-workers, even your employees. Once you can identify what your experiencing is burnout, then you can confront this dilemma. Symptoms: 1. Loss of desire to go to work or get up in the morning 2. Little things become big irritations 3. An … Continue reading

Take a Work Break

I was getting ready to write today’s blog entry and instead took a brief break. My daughter had the idea to write a job’s article on taking a break. I actually think this is an important idea. Too often, we become focused on sitting and working, forgetting to take our necessary breaks. A ten-minute break is not just something a union imposes on you, it is truly critical for job performance. Your body and mind need a break in order to be the most productive. Therefore, stop working and take a break. In those 10 to 20 minutes, here are … Continue reading

Tips to Get the Promotion

Do you want your boss’ job? Do you have dreams of moving up and being an executive or manager in your current company? You can do some things now, before the opportunity arises, to ensure your chances of getting a promotion. 1. First, learn all you can about the company and business structure. Go beyond what you currently do and even what your boss does. Get to know how the company functions from all angles. 2. Volunteer to take on special projects or task forces. Many companies look for temporary leadership on a situational basis. This can be a great … Continue reading

Should You Go Back to School?

A question many of us ask ourselves in our careers, would I be able to advance higher in my job if I had more education? Typically, the answers vary on the job and the company. One example is executives who want a MBA. Is it necessary to have a MBA to get ahead in business? Whatever your field is, the best first step is to start looking for the job you want, before you actually get the degree. Don’t waste your time or money; if you can land the job without the degree, then go for it! See if it … Continue reading

The Most Important Part of Your Job: Your Boss

Often people forget just how significant of a role their boss plays in their job satisfaction. Your supervisor’s style and personality should ideally match your expectations. There is no ideal boss; the key is to find the one that works best with your work style. A great supervisor can truly make or break your job experience. He or she can turn a great job into a horrible one and a boring job into a great one. Unfortunately, we often don’t have complete control over who we work for in an organization. Therefore, it is critical to keep this factor in … Continue reading

When Your Boss Says ‘No’ to the Raise

Yesterday we talked about how to negotiate a higher salary. While many people are thinking that now is not the time to ask for a raise, experts say that the opposite is true. The trick is to get your boss while he’s looking at his budget–and lots of people are doing that at this point. While you think your chances might be slim to none, the truth is that perhaps by giving you a raise and asking you to take over a few duties, your boss can cut another position thus saving money over all. However, even if you are … Continue reading

Important Steps to Negotiating a Raise

Experts say that now is the time to ask for a raise. Employers are looking at their budgets and deciding how much they can spend. Although we’re well on our way to recession (we’re not technically there–at least not yet), it still may be time to pitch your worth to your employer. However, before you go in to ask the big question, a little preparation can go a long way. Prepare a List of Your Accomplishments Sometimes employers need a little reminding of how valuable you are to the company. Before you go in to convince your boss that you … Continue reading