Moving On to That Next Job

Now that all of your efforts in landing the job of your dreams have finally paid off, how do you leave your old job gracefully? Is there a particular etiquette involved? You bet there is. You should always remember to do a few things before you step out that door and across that new threshold into the job of your dreams (or nightmares). For one thing, don’t cut off everyone you have worked with cold turkey. You never know when your association with them might come in handy and besides, it’s not very polite. Hand out cards with your new … Continue reading

Going That Extra Mile On The Job

This topic has nothing to do with jogging or even walking swiftly. Instead, it has to do with pitching in and being a part of a team. This is an intangible soft skill, which is vital to effectively mastering any job. By doing a little bit more than that which is required of you, several things begin to happen simultaneously. For one thing, the boss will eventually notice and for another, your co-workers will as well. Barring the fact that some co-workers may try to take advantage and sluff some of their work off on you, the advantages in doing … Continue reading

Diversity In the Work Place: Meaning What?

It is a well-known fact that in the dynamic world of today, companies fare better when they embrace a pro diversity employment agenda that is specifically, employing workers from all different age and ethnic groups. Although there is not one specific reason for this, it is the kind of fact that reeks of the expression, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Despite some critics, diversity has become so very successful that many corporations are implementing policies that will attract workers of all ages and backgrounds, many of which (language training, etc.) are geared specifically to a foreign workforce. Many … Continue reading

Bad Work Habits: Get Rid of Them!

For some, this blog may seem obvious and even trite but for some others, I know, there will be a moment of epiphany. The reason for this is because some people are smart and others, well others, aren’t so smart, to be polite. If you are lucky enough to have a job that pays your bills and puts food on your table, don’t be a jerk and jeopardize it with behavior that is so over the top that it was probably never contained in the first place. Consider some of the following situations, and in the words of Mark Twain, … Continue reading