Switching to a Home Based Business

More and more individuals are leaving their corporate jobs to start a home based business. This trend is further magnified by the vastness of the Internet and its ability to allow virtual offices to exist anywhere. Many parents make this switch to be home with their kids. Older adults use it as a transition into retirement. Even some new college graduates with their strong technological skills are finding a home based business as great way to transition into the workforce. Whatever your reasons, there are some factors to consider to making this switch a successful one. 1. Do the research! … Continue reading

Start up Costs

In my last post I talked about the importance of starting your company with some money in your pocket. I see so many posts on message boards, and talk to so many mothers who are just starting new companies, that revolve around the premise that they want to start a business or work from home and yet they don’t have any money to do so, so what can they do that will cost nothing but make tons. The answer: Nothing. And if you find a company promising you that you can invest nothing and make a million, run in the … Continue reading

You Have to Spend HOW MUCH to Get a Business Going?

Since I own a marketing company and work particularly with people who are new to the business world, or who are having difficulty getting their companies off of the ground, I have had a lot of conversations that go somewhat like this: Me: “What have you done to advertise or market your company?” Owner: “I have been telling everyone I meet about my idea.” Me: “What is your marketing budget?” Owner: “I really don’t have a lot of money to invest.” At this point, I always tell the potential business owner to get out before he or she even begins. … Continue reading

Like Weekends Off? Don’t Open Your Own Business!

Since opening my marketing company I have worked with a lot of people who are opening a company. Many of these people are mothers, as I tend to market toward this crowd and since I write for several venues that deal with mothers and mother owned companies it is only fitting that the majority of my clients are mothers who are starting their own companies. Today I was speaking with a mother that I met recently at the library. Two young children in tow, she was talking about how she had to make a decision: Go back to work teaching … Continue reading

Ask More Questions, Please: Advice for Small Business Owners

I recently had a great conversation with a friend of mine, who is also a small business owner that does contract work in a service field. We were discussing the highs and lows of owning a service-oriented business. The highs meant that we were each able to remain at home and work from home while our children are young; establishing a niche in the market; being in control of not only our companies but of also what we put out in the community through our jobs each day; and waking up to do something that we love each and every … Continue reading

Independent Contractor? You Just Might Want to Hire Out Help

My best friend’s husband works as an independent contractor. While he works for several of the same companies on a regular basis, he also takes on odd jobs here and there. Working in the construction field in Florida keeps him fairly busy, so he is always on one job site or the other. The problem that he, and many people who own small businesses, is having is that while he does his job well (so well, in fact, that he built the house in which he and my best friend live practically by himself) is that he has difficulty doing … Continue reading

Make Sure You Like What You Do if You Are Opening a Business

Recently I read an article in which a woman business owner mentioned that while some people may be able to run a profitable and successful business by working just a few hours a week, most can’t. I’m one that can’t. Lately it seems that I do nothing BUT work. I wake, I work. I put the kids to bed for naps, I work. I have a free moment, I work. If you are thinking about opening a business, you must make sure of two things: That you love what you are considering doing and that you are okay with working … Continue reading

Passive Aggressiveness Has no Place in the Workforce

A close friend of mine works as a freelance writer, taking on jobs here and there in copywriting as time (she’s also a mother) permits. A few weeks ago she landed a huge account with a company that sells a certain product. The company is just one of a few of the same type of companies so they are in close competition vying for a select group of consumers. At the start of the job she told me that she felt awkward speaking with the owner of the company because the owner, to her, seemed a bit smug and that … Continue reading

What Does it Really Take to Succeed in Business?

I was recently asked this question: Why do you believe some businesses succeed and others don’t? Of course, there are many answers that come to mind. For one thing, the person beginning the company must have the funds to stand behind the venture. This includes money for the start up (business license, equipment, software), money for advertising, money for the upkeep (as you probably won’t immediately make a million dollars upon opening your doors), money for supplies, and the list goes on and on. You must also have the time it takes to invest in a new business venture. Expect … Continue reading