Daddy Bonding with Baby

My wife and our child have a very good relationship. Since my wife is breastfeeding our son he is only able to have one of his most basic needs met by mom, not dad. This has created a sort of limbo for me as the father. Since our son’s primary activities are eating and sleeping (with the occasional bowel movements in between) there is really very little room for dad. Also, my wife tells me that our son “cluster feeds,” which is apparently a style of feeding that a child can have. In his case it means that he’ll eat … Continue reading

Thoughts on Raising a Child with Special Medical Needs

It was 14 years ago on June 14, 1994 when we learned that our son was born with something wrong. We had no idea what that something was until the doctors ran some tests and found that he had Velocardiofacial Syndrome (also known as Shprintzen Syndrome). He couldn’t keep his formula down, and he was not gaining weight. Doctors had to insert a feeding tube through his nostrils (NG tube) so he could be fed. Later the doctors had to surgically insert a tube into his stomach (G tube). My wife and I are glad we did not know what … Continue reading

Facial Expressions and Bonding with Your Baby

Everything is new to a baby. Every single aspect of life is a new and wonderful experience that is soaked up like a sponge. Their little mind will record every little detail that they perceive, and add it to their growing personal reference library of life experience. Not many people know, however, that newborns are unable to focus their eyes. It sometimes takes months for a baby’s eyes to become used to focusing, and thus months for the baby to be able to recognize their daddy’s face. You may have noticed, that your baby will respond to your voice much … Continue reading

Bonding With Your Baby Through Feeding Times

There are few things more intimate between a father and his child than when he feeds his baby. When you hold your child and give her the nourishment she needs, it is so precious, and you feel so close to her. You hold her close, and keep her safe and warm in a blanket, and she eats and eats until she’s about to fall asleep. You take a moment to clean her mouth, and then gently burp her. The whole time, she’s nestled up against your chest, safe and sound. It feels like everything is right in the world, and … Continue reading

Using Your Voice to Bond with Baby

Using your voice can be an amazing way to connect with your baby. In fact, numerous studies have shown that babies even begin responding to familiar voices before birth. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of this fact and connect with your little bundle of joy before they even become a little bundle of joy? You can do all kinds of things to familiarize baby with daddy’s voice. You can read baby books, sing to baby, talk to baby, or even tell stories to your child. I can tell you from personal experience, you may feel a little silly … Continue reading

Dads, Babies & Bonding

Babies sure are hard. They’re frequently loud, smelly, uncooperative, and downright unreasonable. You also wouldn’t trade them for ANYTHING in the world, as long as whoever’s asking, asks when you’re not TOO sleep deprived. Since they haven’t learned to speak yet, it can be very hard for new parents (especially new dads who are usually off at work 40+ hours a week) to connect with a new bundle of joy. After some practice, you will be able to tell a lot from your child’s cry, but taking care of your child’s needs is just one part of being a parent. … Continue reading