The Words in the Song

Before I was a father (and even before I was married) I found myself sitting in a strangely named sandwich place (something like “the inebriated capra aegagrus hircus) reading the nearest offbeat magazine sitting on the table as I took my lunch break from the next door theatre were I was volunteering as the intern to the executive director for college credit towards my management degree. Inside that offbeat magazine I found an unexpected article. Among the typical politically charged and occasionally intentionally offensive artworks there was an article about a children’s musician who’d attended a local high school and … Continue reading

The Little Man and The Music

Long before our son was born he was listening to some great music. While in the womb our son was treated to audiophile headphones piping classic recordings (along with some recently released music) on vinyl records. My wife constantly spend time dancing with him to the latest pop music. He responded favorably to certain television theme songs and certainly seemed like he enjoyed and had found the beat. Music, it seems, has been a part of his life from the beginning. After he was born he’s still respond with recognition to certain songs. There is a pop music CD we … Continue reading

Babies and Film

This is less a film review than it is a film experience. This past week my wife and I took our son to see the new film Babies. If you haven’t seen the trailer for this do a web search and give it a quick view. To say that the trailer is inspiring would be an understatement. It’s rare that I am so compelled to see a film and even more rare that I am willing to pay the amount to actually go see it in the theater. My experience that day reinforced the importance of communal experiences like movie … Continue reading