New Friends Next Door

After our most recent time spent with grandparents, uncles, aunts, and other close familiy members our son got used to being around other people. Luckily for him there was also a healthy dose of time he was able to spend with his cousin who is less than one year older than him. This close proximity in age was great. There is something different about seeing other kids. When we were vacationing with his grandparents we noticed a remarkable change in him towards wanting to do what the big kids were doing. If they were playing then he wanted to play. … Continue reading

A New Club

I recently found out that two of my co-workers have children. Since these two individuals hold positions in academia that I aspire to it was nice to know that I wouldn’t be alone in parenthood. I’m certainly feeling the gentle tug of doubt this semester as I am still in preparation for my final exams. Since I’m also teaching, doing graphic design, working on my dissertation, and staying home with our son my time feels shorter than ever. With a book constantly by my side and a computer never far away I am constantly aware of the amount of work … Continue reading

The Birthday Party

So it happened. Our son turned 1 year old. So crazy how fast this has gone. I’ll join the chorus of voices telling you how fast it goes (and it’s only been one year). I have a small (very very small) taste of how fast babies turn into adults. That first year of life is amazing. They learn so many new things. They learn to eat, sleep, grab, crawl, walk, talk, drink, laugh, smile, cry, play, and pout. They learn so much in such a short time that it is truly hard to comprehend. When we took our son to … Continue reading

Amusement Parks

We recently took our son to an amusement park. This was part of a dream my father had of having his two grandson’s at the park together (along with their parents). This would put the whole family in one place at one time. The amusement park would also provide a child-centered event where the kids could spend time together, see some new sights, and have all of the attention on them. I later learned that there were other reasons to have the whole family there. Unfortunately this was not possible. An illness prevented my nephew from attending. Since we had … Continue reading

The Feeling of Loss

If you’ve been keeping up with the Education section here at you know I’ve been working a lot this summer. I’m in the final testing stage for my doctorate. I’ve passed all of my classes over four long years and I’m now preparing to be re-tested over a significant percentage of them. This is taking a lot of time and while I’m certainly taking needed breaks in between my long hours of reading and wriitng these breaks are rarely for anything more glamorous than food or drink. To be quite honest I feel like I am missing out on … Continue reading

Grandma’s Necklace

My mother recently revealed a secret she uses to entice our young son to spend time effortlessly in her arms (and, subsequently, away from his parents). Part of the reason she plots for such assurances of holding her grandson is that she feels like she is a stranger to him. As I’ve said before my wife and I live near 1000 miles away from family. The distance between Grandson and Grandparents is a great distance only closed (partially) by video chat via the internet. My mother was tired of being “digital Grandma.” She revealed her secret to me and I … Continue reading

In the Water

…and then we got into the swimming pool. I handed the boy over to his mother for a quick spin in the water. This would be the moment of truth. Would he be happy with this giant pool of fun or terrified by the possibility for horror? As my wife completed her spin in the pool we realized that our son would end up liking the water as he had already started giggling. Once he saw me at the other end of the pool (still trying to convince myself to take the plunge and suffer the brief second of lung-stopping-shock … Continue reading

(Sort of) a Vacation?

The end of last week was a whirlwind for my family. I’ve been in technicals the past week for a theatrical show I’ve been working on, my wife had an obligation in another city, and my graduate work for school certainly hasn’t let up at all. To top it all off I ended up going with my wife, out of town, for her work obligation. This ended up being a great thing but it certainly outlined the difficulty of trying to be in two places at the same time. It also outlined the difficulty of the types of work my … Continue reading

Long Trips at Seven Months

Spring Break snuck up on the town like higher gas prices and egg shaped pastel candies. Once again my wife and I prepared for the overly lengthy trip back to Iowa. Our near thousand mile trek was certain to be different than our previous trips. It was also, certainly, going to be more difficult now that our son is more mobile than he has been previously. Strangely, the trip went extremely well and I can’t quite reason out why. One of the smartest decisions we made was to split the trip over two days and bite the proverbial bullet of … Continue reading

The Daycare: One Month

We’ve had our son in daycare for a month now and I must admit things have been much better than we could have imagined. Our fears of leaving the care of our son in someone else’s hands has not completely gone away but we are quite comfortable and confident in the staff at our daycare (even if we still think we’d be doing a better job ourselves). That said, the experience has been a positive one for both our son and his parents. This marks the one month reflection of a difficult decision. One month ago we were worried about … Continue reading