The Proof of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!! Normally my wife and I avoid this holiday like the plague. It is far too sickeningly sweet and filled with faux intentions and proclamations for us to put a great deal of effort into the day itself. This Valentine’s Day, though, we decided to have a good time at home, with each other, and not be too concerned about the hustle and bustle of restaurants, shopping centers, and other items covered in paper red or glossy pink hearts. We realized that we had what I’ll call a “proof of love” built into our day already. What … Continue reading

An Extra Day

Due to my son’s illness and also come inclement weather my small family was able to basically have a three day workweek and let me tell you, it was wonderful. There’s no denying it, our apprehension about daycare is in many ways well founded as our son truly does enjoy spending time with his parents much more than he enjoys spending time with anyone else. Perhaps his workweek daycare absences make us grow closer to one another for fear of the reality of being away again next week, but something tells me that he’d be just as happy with Mom … Continue reading

The Productive Morning & The Sick Boy

I’ve recently been writing about the horror of seeing my son in pain. He’s had a cold. This morning, however, my wife and I were awoken bright and early compliments of our son. He was sick. His temperature was above 100 degrees and he was miserable. My wife dutifully comforted and fed him. I, feeling a type of concern in my gut that I normally don’t, got up to do the dishes (as our cooking adventures had left quite the mess). This was the start of the productive morning. After nursing my son and laying him in his crib for … Continue reading

The Beaming Waiter

Going out to eat is one of those very rare types of things for my wife and I. Ever since our son was born we hardly ever go out. Part of this is due to our monetary difficulties as our son has certainly forced our budget to adjust to things like diapers and daycare. The monetary issue, though, is simply a side benefit of the main issue: Time. We’re busy people. Full time student, part-time teacher, part-time graphic designer, and another full time teacher. Our son adds to the business of our lives. We get up earlier and go to … Continue reading

The Boy and his Relatives

Our son is amazing. He’s a trooper. He can travel 1000 miles without fussing at all. He can smile and laugh and be entertained by his own two hands. What makes him even more amazing is his ability to interact with so many relatives. He’s a social baby for one reason or another and isn’t afraid to make friends with new people. Whether it is the love that so obviously lights relatives’ faces, or some other intangible element, my son warms to their happiness immediately. He also, of course, contributes to their happiness. When my wife and I travelled back … Continue reading

More Travel Tips: Now for 4 Months!

As Christmas approached my wife and I knew that we had yet another task ahead of us: travel. Our invitable 15 hour trip loomed over our heads like a dark cloud. We knew, however, that at the end of the cloud would be much greater than a silver lining. We would find warm beds, clean towels, and more smiles and hugs than we are able to give each other at home for lack of additional arms. The last time we embarked on this epic journey we were able to complete the trip in a single day… would the same be … Continue reading

Long Car Ride Tips for Babies Under 3 Months

I’m still in Iowa and that means that I took an extremely long trip (by car) to get here. How long, you might ask? How does 15.5 hours sound? Long? Short? What if I told you we tried to make it in one day (and did). Hmmm? Interest peaked? I hope so. Granted, we only made it in one day on the way up and haven’t proven similar success yet on the way back. That said, I’d like to give some tips that my wife and I learned during our lengthy journey with our son. Tip one was leaving early. … Continue reading

Riding Without Training Wheels

Well, it happened today at about 7:15 EST. Our baby daughter, who is almost 6 years old, rode her bike without training wheels for the first time. Yippee! My two daughters came inside and announced this evening that the 6-year-old was ready for the big moment. My wife and I retreated to the front sidewalk of our addition to cheer her on. I took off her training wheels and guided her about 10 to 20 feet before it was clear she did not need me anymore – boy, I don’t like the sound of that. I’m already starting to have … Continue reading

A Family Time Hike

I have mentioned before how important I think it is that Dads take the intiative in planning family bonding times. It doesn’t have to be elaborate but it has to be regularly done. With that said, here’s an idea for great family bonding. Plan a nature walk for your family to enjoy. You should try to find a path or a park that your kids aren’t familiar with. If you go to your customary park, the kids’ interest might wane, and you will generally find that their enthusiasm disappears. Even if you live in the biggest city, there is often … Continue reading

The Ultimate “Dad Wins” Water Fight

Here’s a fun idea for you and your family to try before the end of summer for some good old fashioned family bonding. Get everyone into their bathing suits for a water fight and choose your caliber of water weapon. You could start very easily at the entry level with spray bottles (best for young children). This is a way that you can get each other moist, without getting totally soaked. If this is too tame for you, the next step up is a simple dime store squirt gun for everyone who is going to play. This will definitely add … Continue reading