A small pile of leaves

So… it’s Autumn. We moved to a less desert-like climate and, as a direct consequence of that action, we’re experiencing the glory of Autumn instead of just a colder “brownness.” As I type this our front door is open to allow the sound of leaves blowing in the wind, falling on the grass, and blowing down the street into our home (along with the cooler air). The sunlight flickers against the doorway as the leaves move in and out of its rays due to the wind. The whole effect is like that of a candle, but with daylight. It’s a … Continue reading

Hail the Returning Aunt

Oh! To be an aunt! What a wonderful thing it is. My son loves his aunts. He has lots of them and he loves each one of them a great deal. A lot. So much that it’s impossible to gauge his sadness when one of them leaves. This year alone two of his aunts went off to college. This was in some ways a terrible thing. We’d been away for a number of years and our son hadn’t had a lot of time to spend with his aunts. The summer was full of fun times to be spent with them, … Continue reading

To String a Guitar

A really long time ago I wrote about my son drawing on one of my guitars (my classical guitar to be precise) and, as a result, busting some of the strings on the instrument. This wasn’t a problem. I wasn’t angry. The strings were getting old and needed to be replaced anyway. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. This would, I thought, force my hand. Alas, time and situation and circumstances out of my control left that job undone until this past week. We’ve changed states, homes, jobs, seasons, etc… and now the new strings are finally on … Continue reading

The Momless Morning

I got home late one night. Really late. Everyone was asleep. I was very tired. I hit the pillow and soon after fell asleep. I awoke to my wife leaving early. She was heading somewhere. She told me about this before, earlier, but I was really tired. I tried to go back to sleep for a while. I tossed and turned. I pulled the covers over my head. I covered my eyes with a pillow… alas. Not possible. I awoke. I carefully checked on our son (still sleeping) and decided to make some tea and try to get some work … Continue reading

The Fear of the Big Tube Slide

Last time I wrote about a wonderful day our family had at a local park. It was too cold for the now dry wading pool, but the rest of the park was dressed majestically in its best autumn splendor and satisfied our outdoor eyes far more than a window ever could. It was lovely. We packed a lunch and set out for a lovely afternoon. What was missing, though, was courage. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. Let’s say: “experience.” What was missing was experience. After playing for a while on the swing set and the toddler level slides and toys … Continue reading

The Big Tube Slide

Yesterday my family and I went to a new-to-me park. My wife and son had been there previously with an aunt a nephew. The last time they went they were treated to a bustling park full of children and parents and activity. Part of this was because it was in the hot months of summer, and this particular park has a water feature. Wading pools and spraying water always draw lots of attention in the heat. Amazing times were apparently had during that day I wasn’t there. I heard about it for a couple of days from my son. He … Continue reading

Apples and Scarecrows

Apples and scarecrows. It’s an addiction that I can’t entirely explain. When we were in Texas we found our way to organic apple orchards as frequently as possible. It was a nice reprieve from the sparse fields of cotton and generally treeless landscapes that populated most of our vision in that part of the state. What were we to do? The organic apple orchard gave our vision (and, incidentally, our taste buds) a thrilling sensation unfelt in other aspects of our life there. Now that we’ve moved back to more fertile ground we’ve found ourselves more frequently trekking to outdoor … Continue reading


In our front yard there sits a tree. This tree very clearly took root prior to my birth. This tree is beautiful and my family and I currently cherish it. After having lived in what was practically a desert for a number of years we are very excited to have such clear signs of vibrant life so close to home. Our front yard is a cherished part of our new home. Every single time we open the door or look out of the window we see this magnificent tree. Our son has taken it upon himself to appreciate the tree … Continue reading

Potato Coffee

Every morning for a number of years I’ve (in general) had a cup of coffee. This doesn’t take away from the wild fables of my tea-drinking persona (for I love tea, as a quick perusal of previous blog posts will prove), but it does add to the depth of the flavors I tend to partake in daily. Coffee is good. It tastes good and it is good. Could it be better? I used to wonder that. I switched, initially, from major brands to small, organic, fair-trade outfits. The taste improved considerably. Eventually I switched brewing methods. I moved from the … Continue reading

Shepherd’s Pie

When I was growing up there always seemed to be this stigma about “healthy” food on the sitcoms. What was the stigma? Easy: kids didn’t eat “healthy” food. This was repeated in the literature I read as a child, as well as in the offhand remarks other adults (even teachers) would make regarding so-called “healthy” food. Often-times a synonym of healthy food would be vegetables (especially green vegetables). These synonyms were like a shorthand for sitcom writers and adults alike to describe the behavior of children. You grew, as a child or adult, to understand the motivations of the kid … Continue reading