Gain iPhone App Provides Personal Training

Fitness apps are on the rise. Technology is allowing for so many cool ways to incorporate fitness into your life at anytime, anyplace. And the latest is the Gain iPhone app which provides personalized training. What I love about fitness apps is that it doesn’t matter where you are, even if you are traveling or on vacation, you can still have access to hiking trails, exercises, instant measuring of your heart rate, BMI calculator, log of your workouts, calorie counter and so much more. You really can’t go wrong with these cool tools. The Gain iPhone app is available in … Continue reading

Latest Hollywood Craze: Drumstick Smashing

I’m always amazed by the power behind a drummer. They bang at those drums with every ounce of strength they have, sometimes for hours at a time. It not only produces a cool sound but it looks like a great workout. Well what do you know? Banging drums has become one of the latest crazes to hit Hollywood. First it was pole dancing, then it was Zumba and now it is drumstick-smashing. The drumsticks are either wood or weighted and participants in the class will repeatedly hit the ground to fast-paced music such as rock or hip-hop. It works up … Continue reading

Should a Wedding Be a Reason to Lose Weight?

The wedding season is just around the corner and I have been hearing stories about bride-to-be’s attempting to lose weight in order to “fit” into their wedding dress. It got me thinking…should a wedding be a reason to lose weight? I don’t really think so. I know this goes against the normal way of doing American weddings but think about why this isn’t a good idea. First of all, it makes no sense to buy a dress you can’t fit into, in the hopes that you will eventually be able to. If you met your soon-to-be husband the way you … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 50’s

Well we have hit the end of our fitness series on the decades starting with your 20’s and ending here today with the 50’s. Hopefully at this point in life, a fit lifestyle has already been in place. This can be a difficult period because your metabolism drastically slows down and with menopause; there is a greater chance of gaining some weight. You will also notice a loss in muscle mass and a less toned body. But don’t let this discourage you. There are some things that change with age and can’t be completely stopped. However you can still do … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 40’s

Well, we have looked at fitness in your 20’s and 30’s and now we are on to my personally favorite decade, the 40’s. I don’t exactly know what it was about turning 40 but it felt great. For me, this is the decade where I began to get much more serious about fitness. I realize it would have been beneficial to get an earlier start but what I am learning about this decade is that it’s never too late. I have found yoga to especially be beneficial, which has helped in improving my posture and gaining flexibility. But in your … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 30’s

So in my last blog we talked about fitness in your 20’s and how these are the prime years to start off with healthy habits. So now we are going to look at fitness in your 30’s. The 30’s tend to be the time when many of us have started or are well into raising families. The 30’s are a busy decade. In many cases we are married, have children and are working. The idea of finding time to squeeze in some exercise may sound impossible. But it is during this period that it is most crucial you find the … Continue reading

Fitness in Your 20’s

Fitness tends to take on a different life when you are in your 40’s, compared to those in their 20’s. So I am starting a series on fitness across the decades, starting with the 20’s and ending with the 50’s. Ideally, fitness should begin while you are still in your 20’s. When you develop healthy habits early on, you are more likely to continue them into the later years. There are generally two groups of people in their 20’s, those that don’t feel they need to incorporate fitness right now and those that are avid workout buffs. Those who don’t … Continue reading

Best Gifts for Fitness Enthusiasts

So the holiday shopping days are winding down. You may be wondering what some of the best gifts for fitness enthusiasts are. One of the things I have read in a number of articles recently is that older people really enjoy Wii Fit. I don’t consider myself to be in the “older” crowd but I concur, Wii Fit is a great way to get your bum off the couch and become active in fun but beneficial types of exercise. Wii Fit offers a number of interactive fitness games, anything from sports to yoga. But speaking of technology, apparently the iPad … Continue reading

Sensa Doesn’t Make Sense

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard a commercial come on for a weight loss product called Sensa. I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The announcer was declaring how great the product was and that you can lose weight without changing your eating habits. Not only that but you can lose weight without exercise. The thought that immediately popped into my mind was that Sensa just doesn’t make sense. What a devious way to sell a product. While it may be true, I really don’t know, that you can lose weight with Sensa, it … Continue reading

Do Fitness Apps Work?

Technology is amazing. I am always surprised at the innovative ways technology changes our world. Perhaps I am alone in this but I only recently discovered that there are Fitness Apps available for your iPod or iPhone. So now I am left to wonder if fitness apps really work. My husband and I are eagerly waiting for December, when we can upgrade our phones. We have been checking out the Droids and all the features they offer. I was so happy when I recently discovered that fitness apps exist. Apparently there is an app for everything. I tend to get … Continue reading