How to Choose a Jogging Stroller

We discussed the whys of a jogging stroller yesterday, now let’s talk about how to choose the jogging stroller that works best for you or your family. You may want to do a little research before you plunk down the money to invest in a jogging stroller (the average jogging stroller costs anywhere from $65 to $180). Before you blanch at the price, jogging strollers can fit children age 6 months to five years, so you’re talking about a long-term investment. When you go to check out potential jogging strollers, here is a guide to help you figure out what … Continue reading

Why a Jogging Stroller?

Do you have a jogging stroller? Too often, people see jogging strollers and assume that the owner is someone who is serious about their fitness. The truth is, the jogging stroller is extremely versatile. It’s also ideal for parents who want to get into shape. The first jogging stroller showed up on the market in the early 1980s and they have improved on that original design. Jogging strollers typically have 41 to 51 centimeter wheels and those wheels let you take the stroller over a variety of terrains. When a parent enjoys getting out to power walk or jog (or … Continue reading

5 Great Fitness Gifts for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming and for those of you keeping track, it’s one week from this coming Sunday. I think we should honor our mothers all the time, after all – they raised us, they gave us our sense of morality, our joy and our comfort. They kissed away our pain, they cheered on our accomplishments and more. So what can you give to your wife, your mother, your mother-in-law, your sister, your teachers and more – all of who are our mothers or the mother of our children? I’m a Mom I always thought my mom and my grandmother … Continue reading

Ut oh – Is it already Friday? How is the shopping going?

Wow, is it really Friday? We’ve got just 16 shopping days left till Christmas and retailers are pulling out the big guns to get you into the store and shopping. Be sure to check out their fitness equipment sales, you can often times find good equipment as much as half off around the holidays, but before you go out and buy a treadmill for your spouse or an elliptical machine for your sibling – make sure it’s something they want. There’s nothing that screams ouch like giving fitness equipment to someone who doesn’t want to highlight their own weight issues … Continue reading

Stress Balls – How Can They help You

Stress balls, or Chinese health balls as they are commonly known, date back to the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644). In ancient Chinese medicine, the use of these health balls was so successful that they were acclaimed as one of the Three Treasures of Baoding, China where they were created. Originally, the balls were solid and it was only later that they were designed to be hollow with sound plates inside that make various tones in the high and low ranges. According to traditional Chinese medical theory Jingluo (this term refers to the various energy pathways in the body and … Continue reading

Want to lose weight while sitting at your desk?

Well, duh! That’s a no-brainer of a question, but now that I have your attention, let’s chat about the fact that working at your desk is something many of us do whether we are working from home or working in an office. Losing weight while multi-tasking is a dream come true. While weight loss is something that is a constant, ongoing event 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, there is a way to help keep your calories burning while you’re sitting at your desk and working. Sit Up Straight Sitting up straight and practicing good posture will increase … Continue reading

Exercising This Summer? Take Care

Summer time means hot, long days and lots of time outdoors, having fun with the family, working out, biking, swimming and more! When you are looking for more family activities to do together, exercise is very likely to come to the top of the list especially with all the worries about childhood obesity and more. So keep in mind the following tips to take care of your family and yourself while working out and enjoying yourselves this summer: Hydration – Stay hydrated! You need to drink adequate fluid before, during and after your time spent exercising. You need it to … Continue reading

Get on the Ball for Situps

As there are many variations of sit-ups, there are just as many ways to do them incorrectly. In fact, most of us pull on our necks, pike our bodies and engage our legs and back way too much, never benefiting from the stomach workout we are trying for. The problem usually is positioning, or the fact that we are simply not strong enough for certain stomach exercises and overcompensate by using muscles we shouldn’t. How often have you heard someone say they can’t do sit-ups because the exercise hurts their back? Or a person will complain that they do so … Continue reading

Exercise Bands

Exercise bands look like giant rubber bands and is used in resistance training for building up strength. Instead of pumping the iron with heavy weights, exercise bands use the resistance to build the muscles by reacting by getting stronger. Exercise bands come in all shapes, colors, and sizes from thin to thick in purple, pink, black, and blue. While on vacation, the bands are one of the easiest forms of equipment which can be packed and stored in a suitcase so you can continue your workout even while getting a few days of sun worshipping in. Exercise bands can be … Continue reading

Triathlon or Bust 3: Running Shoes

Triathlon or Bust 3: Running Shoes By far, the hardest thing for me to complete in the triathlon will be the running part (see my blog here). For sure I can finish the bike portion of the race, because I regularly ride the 16 miles without a problem, albeit not at a race pace. I can’t go the full half-mile swimming distance without stopping, but I’m semi-confident I can get there. But the running–as I start this quest, I’m pretty sure that I can’t run even a mile, or half a mile, let alone three. When I’ve tried to run … Continue reading