Preparing for Fall Workouts

In a previous blog I encouraged you to take advantage of fall’s cooler temperatures to exercise outdoors. After all, there is nothing more invigorating than taking a bike ride or a simple stroll on a crisp autumn day. However, similar to working out in summer’s stifling heat, exercising in fall’s brisk conditions takes some planning. For example, during fall it gets darker earlier in the evening and stays darker later in the morning, so it pays to plan accordingly. If you are walking or running outdoors before the sun rises or after the sun goes down consider wearing a reflective … Continue reading

Your Pedometer, Don’t Leave Home Without It

My pedometer broke. I don’t mean it needs a new battery, I mean it broke. It fell off my belt the other day and I drove over it with my car. I couldn’t believe it when I saw all the crunchy little pieces all over the garage floor. It’s been just four days since it broke and I feel lost without it. Pedometer Practice My pedometer helped to keep me on target with my work out whether I was actually on the treadmill or not. There’s lots of walking and steps I take every day without once going into gym … Continue reading

D is for Dumbbell

Dumbbells – the standard name for free weights. There are a lot of jokes that used to be made about dumbbells, but we’re going to avoid those today. Typically, a dumbbell is a weight that features a short bar with a weighted disk at either end. Dumbbells can be adjusted by adding or removing weighted disks to increase or decrease the resistance that particular dumbbell offers. Dumbbells typically come in pairs because in an ideal world, you only need one hand to hold each dumbbell. The word itself comes to us via Tudor England. The bell clapper was a device … Continue reading

How to Choose a Jogging Stroller

We discussed the whys of a jogging stroller yesterday, now let’s talk about how to choose the jogging stroller that works best for you or your family. You may want to do a little research before you plunk down the money to invest in a jogging stroller (the average jogging stroller costs anywhere from $65 to $180). Before you blanch at the price, jogging strollers can fit children age 6 months to five years, so you’re talking about a long-term investment. When you go to check out potential jogging strollers, here is a guide to help you figure out what … Continue reading

Why a Jogging Stroller?

Do you have a jogging stroller? Too often, people see jogging strollers and assume that the owner is someone who is serious about their fitness. The truth is, the jogging stroller is extremely versatile. It’s also ideal for parents who want to get into shape. The first jogging stroller showed up on the market in the early 1980s and they have improved on that original design. Jogging strollers typically have 41 to 51 centimeter wheels and those wheels let you take the stroller over a variety of terrains. When a parent enjoys getting out to power walk or jog (or … Continue reading

5 Great Fitness Gifts for Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming and for those of you keeping track, it’s one week from this coming Sunday. I think we should honor our mothers all the time, after all – they raised us, they gave us our sense of morality, our joy and our comfort. They kissed away our pain, they cheered on our accomplishments and more. So what can you give to your wife, your mother, your mother-in-law, your sister, your teachers and more – all of who are our mothers or the mother of our children? I’m a Mom I always thought my mom and my grandmother … Continue reading

Fitness Gifts: My Sweet Valentine

Good morning gentlemen, are you looking for something sweet, practical and different to give your girl this Valentine’s Day? I’ve been doing some investigating, looking for something different, but altogether loving and in its own way, something sensuous. No, not lingerie – that’s a sweet gift, but that’s more for you than it is for her and I think we all know this. So with this in mind, what would I recommend for a sweet fitness gift this Valentine’s Day? Have You Heard of Doce Vida? Doce Vida is a fitness label that offers some very sweet fitness clothing that … Continue reading

Gift Certificates for Fitness

Can you buy a gift certificate that promises fitness for a loved one or friend? Sure you can and while gift certificates are not always the first choice for some of us when it comes to shopping – don’t discount them as a great idea. For example: A gift certificate to a day spa is a great way to encourage a massage and personal pampering, these items are good for men and women alike and it’s a great way to encourage mental and emotional fitness along with physical fitness A gift certificate for personal training sessions helps to motivate, but … Continue reading

Ut oh – Is it already Friday? How is the shopping going?

Wow, is it really Friday? We’ve got just 16 shopping days left till Christmas and retailers are pulling out the big guns to get you into the store and shopping. Be sure to check out their fitness equipment sales, you can often times find good equipment as much as half off around the holidays, but before you go out and buy a treadmill for your spouse or an elliptical machine for your sibling – make sure it’s something they want. There’s nothing that screams ouch like giving fitness equipment to someone who doesn’t want to highlight their own weight issues … Continue reading

Tis the Season – Fitness Gift Ideas

Are you looking for some fitness gift ideas for the loved ones in your life? The holidays are a great time to take advantage of sales, package offers and more to get your spouse, your sister, your parents and even your best friend some great fitness gifts that can continue to give throughout the year. Recently a friend of my husband gave his wife an early Christmas present in the form of a 20 personal training sessions to help her meet some personal fitness goals and that should go on your list as a potentially good present idea. In the … Continue reading