Pool Workout

Summer is by the far the number one season for being in the pool. The sun is hot and jumping in a pool can be majorly refreshing. So when it finally got hot around here, I went into my parent’s pool. I soon realized what a great workout swimming and playing in the pool can be! You can get a great workout from the resistance the water provides. This is great for people of all ages and especially beneficial if you have joint problems. Just remember it is safer to swim with a buddy than swim alone. For some safety … Continue reading

Swimming for Fitness

Michael Phelps did it again. The part-man-part fish broke the world record in the 100-meter butterfly at the U.S. national championships last week in Indianapolis, giving him ownership of five individual world marks. It’s unlikely that any of us mere mortals will ever accomplish what Phelps has in the pool, but his successes have inspired many to hit the water. Swimming is a great way to stay in shape and have fun in the hot summer sun. What’s more, it also helps build endurance and muscle strength, too. Still, swimming doesn’t come without drawbacks, especially if you are unprepared. The … Continue reading

Michael Phelps’ Pot Pic Investigation is Over

The athlete, who has been swimming in hot water since a photo of him smoking a bong went public, can now come up for air. According to new reports, Michael Phelps will not be charged with illegal drug use. Sheriff deputies in Richland County, South Carolina (the place where the photo of Phelps and the marijuana pipe was taken) just announced that they will not be arresting the Olympic champion for drug possession. The photo, which was taken at a party in November when Phelps visited the University of South Carolina, has been one of the most viewed shots on … Continue reading

More Fallout from Michael Phelps’ Pot Pipe Photo

If you have a box of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with Michael Phelps’ picture on it, you might want to hold on to it for a while. There’s no telling how much it might be worth now that the cereal company has axed the Olympic swimming champ from its payroll. Kellogg’s markets its Corn Flakes as the perfect cereal for those who want to maintain fit lifestyles, which is why company execs say they decided not to renew Phelps’ contract. According to Kellogg reps, the swimming sensation’s contract expires at the end of the month, but it won’t be renewed, namely … Continue reading

Michael Phelps’ Dopey Decision Continues to Haunt Him

He may have gone public admitting his “bad” judgment, but that’s not stopping police in Columbia, South Carolina from opening an investigation into Michael Phelps’ alleged inhaling from a marijuana pipe. The sheriff in Columbia, where the incident took place last November, announced yesterday that an investigation is now underway, and charges could be pending against the 23-year-old Olympic swimming sensation. “If someone breaks the law in Richland County, we have an obligation as law enforcement to investigate and to bring charges,” deputies said in a written statement. “The Richland County Sheriff’s Department is making an effort to determine if … Continue reading

Are Ballet Dancers Fitter Than Swimmers?

According to a new study conducted by British researchers, the answer is “yes.” Take that Michael Phelps. Researchers concluded that the overall fitness of ballet dancers is greater than that of international swimmers. The study involved comparing members of the Royal Ballet and English National Ballet School with a squad of British National and International Swimmers, including members of the Olympic team. Participants were tested on strength, endurance, balance, flexibility and their psychological state. The results were then compiled to form individual “fitness profiles.” According to the study, the ballet dancers had stronger “fitness profiles” than their swimming counterparts. Researchers … Continue reading

Swimming – How to Have Fun Tips

Recently, in Dear Heather, Valorie asked for biking and swimming ideas for a large family. Swimming and biking are activities that families can do together and that can involve different age groups as well as different levels of skill and proficiency. So let’s take some time today to talk about swimming fun that you and your family can have. Safety First It’s important that whenever you are engaging in any physical activity that you put safety first. Because drowning can occur, you want to make sure your kids, especially the young ones who cannot swim have on proper flotation devices … Continue reading

Setting Up Special Swimming Pools for Muslim Women

In New Zealand, there is a movement by South Island Muslims to open special swimming pool facilities for women only that would allow them to swim and engage in aquatic exercise without compromising their religious beliefs. They are citing the lack of specialized facilities with weight gain and becoming medically unfit. The creation of the new Burqini will offer Muslim women more options, but the idea of a special pool is backed by the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand. Privacy and modesty are extremely important to the followers of Islam and because modesty forbids Muslim women from appearing … Continue reading

Have You Heard of the Burqini?

Have you heard of the Burqini? I hadn’t until a reader sent me a note a couple of days ago and asked me about it. It didn’t take much research to find out more about it. First and foremost, it’s not teenie-weenie like the old advertisements used to promote the greatness of the bikini, but I think it’s likely one of the better fashion achievements of its type. The Burqini is exactly what it sounds like a cross between a bikini and a burqa. The fact that it’s designed for swimming is the only resemblance it has to the two … Continue reading

Fitness Swimming For Beginners

In a previous article, I wrote about my recent experience using swimming workouts to lose weight and get in shape. All you need to get started is a suitable pool to swim laps (25 yard pool recommended) and the determination to make something happen. I started out by getting in good enough shape to walk two or three miles briskly six days a week. When I could comfortably do that, I was in good enough shape to swim. I found that I was able to swim over and back, rest a couple of minutes, and do it again. In my … Continue reading