Swimming: The Perfect Exercise

Six months ago, I felt like I was 10 years older than I actually am. I was very overweight and I had committed myself to living a life that placed great demands on me, both emotionally and physically. It was time for drastic action. I joined a YMCA that is fairly close to our house. I knew from my younger years the value of regular exercise. I had been a runner many years ago. But I was now skeptical that my body could once again adjust to being pounded and jolted for an hour every day. I reluctantly turned to … Continue reading

Swimming Tips

Swimming is such a great activity during the summer that we sometimes forget that swimming is a great way to build and maintain fitness. It’s also a great way to build up your muscle strength because water provides natural resistance for your muscles that you have to push against whether you are walking or swimming in the pool. If you want to take advantage of time spent in the pool with the kids as part of your workout routine, here are some tips to get the most out of your pool workouts: Haven’t really swum in a while? Take some … Continue reading

Exercise in the Water

Who should exercise in the water? Among the best candidates for the exercising in the water are those who suffer from arthritis. Arthritis can affect people of all ages, though we typically see it affecting the elderly. The most specific form of arthritis to affect older adults is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the tissues around the cartilage of the joints is thinned due to wear and tear. While many arthritic individuals are reluctant to exercise because they are in pain, the simple fact is that exercise is good for you. If you work out in the water, it’s even better. … Continue reading

Triathlon or Bust 8: Open Water Swim Safety

It is two weeks before my first triathlon, and I have yet to train in open water. My first ill-fated attempt in Santa Barbara ended because the ocean water was too cold. I went to Lake Natomas near my house yesterday, but the water temperature was only just above 50 degrees. Even with a wet suit, I could only stay in about 10 minutes before recognizing signs of my body temperature dropping too low. Part of the problem was I’d left my swim cap at home, and it was actually painful to put my head in the water. I knew … Continue reading

Triathlon or Bust 5: Open Water Swimming

The swimming part of a triathlon is usually the part triathletes dread the most. Not me. I love to swim, and even though I’ve never raced and am not in good swimming shape, I’m not afraid of the half-mile swim in my upcoming first ever triathlon. But maybe I should be. I went to a Master’s swim class at my local gym to see if an instructor would check out my stroke and also to see if I could hang with the other swimmers. They had us do some timed 100s, and although I wasn’t as fast as the two … Continue reading