“Mom, You Need To Work Out More!”

Yes, you heard it. This is the sage advice of my six-year-old following our afternoon practice on the roller skates. It’s amazing how much changes since we were kids. Friends of ours gave our daughter roller skates for Christmas and my mother, in turn, gave me a pair of roller skates so that I could take my daughter roller skating. It’s a Lot Like Riding a Bike Roller skating is a lot like riding a bike, you remember how to balance and control yourself. You remember how to turn. You remember how to stop. Remembering how to stop is really … Continue reading

Your Success in Exercise May Rest In Our Genes

Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief, your success or failure in exercise and how your body responds to it may rest squarely on the shoulders of your parents. According to recent research by the American College of Sports Medicine, researchers have discovered certain genes that reflect on our fitness and physical performance. Naturally Gifted There are people who seem like they are just naturally gifted. They workout and their bodies show tremendous results. They have strength, body composition, flexibility and endurance. They workout and their results are just phenomenal. You may have always thought that these people were … Continue reading

Should You Warm Up Before Golf?

Should you warm up before you head out to the golf course? Too often when we think of golf, we don’t think of it as a sport that can get your muscles heated up or actually create a strain on your body that will be worse if you don’t warm up or stretch out before you hit the golf course. But let’s think about this, stretching before a game can help prevent tendon injuries that may occur when your muscles are cold. Golf is a Game of Repetitive Motion You perform a number of repetitive motions when you are playing … Continue reading

Winter Sports – It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Just about now you may be missing the swimming pool and your bathing suit, but the winter months have their own sporting gear and sports for you to enjoy. Wintertime is a great time for winter sports and to stay active this winter season, here are some of the best sports of winter for you and your family to indulge in. So stay active and check out these winter challenges: Ice Skating – You don’t have to be Dorothy Hamill to strap on a pair of ice skates and go for a simple spin around the ice – an hour … Continue reading

Sports and Your Kids

Organized sports are a part of the American culture from football to baseball to basketball. Our children enjoy a variety of social and health benefits from participating in organized sports and we encourage parents to get active with their children and maintain those high levels of activity in order to combat the danger of childhood obesity – but it’s important to understand that you need to balance that encouragement with a healthy dose of practicality. There is a great deal of pressure put on children to succeed in sports by their parents, their coaches and their peers. The emphasis is … Continue reading

10 Benefits of Playing Sports

Playing sports offers children more than just physical benefits. Sports typically help kids academically and socially as well. The benefits are the same whether or not your child actually excels at the sport. Although if they are really good they will probably want to continue playing when they are older. If your child isn’t good enough to play competitively on a school team try signing them up for a city league or encourage them to just go shoot some hoops with their friends or church group. Read on for ten ways playing sports and can benefit your child. 10 Ways … Continue reading

The World of Snow Skiing

Let me preface this blog with the information that I didn’t get to go skiing for the first time until I was about 26 years old. The first time I went, I was equal parts terrified and exhilarated. I had no idea what I was doing and we spent the fifty dollars to get me an hour ‘crash’ course lesson in downhill skiing. I didn’t like the name of it, but I quickly discovered that I loved the world of snow skiing. So What Kinds of Skiing is there? The first type of skiing that most people think of is … Continue reading

When Is My Child Old Enough to Go Skiing?

With so many areas seeing their first snows in the last few weeks, let’s answer a question that many parents have. When you love skiing and you enjoy skiing, you really want to share that joy and that love with your children. More often as not, we are confronted with the concern of when we can take our children out there to enjoy this great winter wonderland and the wonderful world of snow skiing. So, when is my child old enough? Kids are old enough by about the time they are two years old if they are coordinated, relatively fearless … Continue reading

The Season for Skiing

It snowed in several places this weekend. Snow – that complete and total sign of winter arriving and where there is snow – there is skiing. Skiing is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise and no matter how cold it is outside, one of the things I remember most about skiing is that you can actually get hot on a 4 degree day as you plow your way downhill whether it’s a green, a blue or a black. (Admittedly, I’m a bit of a coward, I prefer the greens – the blues are just too steep for me … Continue reading

Marriage Partners Can Equal Fitness Partners

I write for the marriage blog as well as the fitness blog and the following could actually be placed in either blog. I elected for here in fitness because we talk about parents motivating their kids and working on improving their kids’ fitness all the time. It’s equally important to work on maximizing your spouse’s fitness because in turn, they can help you maximize yours. Marriage is: A contractually committed partnership, including sexual love, cohabitation, shared economy/property and mutual childrearing; socially approved and legally acknowledged emotional, sexual, and economic relationship between two or more individuals The definition of marriage that … Continue reading