Preschoolers & Sports

Is it me or are kids a hundred times busier today than when I was a kid? I don’t remember being enrolled in a dozen different activities and when I look at my own daughter’s busy schedule, I have to wonder – are we doing our preschoolers a service or not by enrolling them in sports? The answer to this question is both yes and no. Want me to vague that up a bit more? The truth is the answer is based on a number of different factors including the type of sport, your child’s level of physical prowess and … Continue reading

The In of In-Line Skating

I’ve mentioned before that I really want an elliptical glider to work out on, but in lieu of that, I’d love to inline skate. It’s on my wish list for an anniversary or Christmas present this year. I want a good set of recreational in-line skates so I can add skating to my repertoire of activities and so that I can keep up with my daughter when she is riding her bike. All the power walking in the world can’t keep me side by side with her when she is really riding. The Investment In-line skating is relative inexpensive compared … Continue reading

Skiing For Fitness

One of the best forms of aerobic exercise is skiing. The swooshing down the slopes, the wind in your face, and balancing over the moguls on a cold wintery day! There are different types of skis available from short to long length which can give the person more or less speed. From green triangles to double black diamonds, the adrenaline rush you get from skiing is unexplainable. Season passes are offered where the ski lift price is discounted when bought for the entire ski season. Besides the typical downhill skiing, there is also cross country skiing. Very long skis are … Continue reading

How to Decide on a Fitness Plan

There are so many fitness plans, fitness gurus and workout recommendations floating around that deciding on what regimen to follow. In fact, you can look at one workout plan and think that doesn’t sound too bad, while another sounds like a recipe for torture. You may think that you have no choice but to follow the path of torture to achieve your goals and hopefully what we talk about here will help you weigh your options. A Base Fitness Plan A base fitness plan is good for people who plan to start out solid and who have not exercised in … Continue reading

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart

Not surprisingly, a recent National Institute of Health study indicated that kids who are severely overweight have an increased risk for muscle pain, joint pain, bone deformities and even broken bones. Remember, your child is growing and developing – when they are severely overweight it can create undue stress on their still developing bones including nutritional issues. The obesity unit at the NIH National Institute of Child Health and Human Development states that there are more than six million U.S. children who are severely overweight. These kids suffer more muscle, joint and bone problems than normal kids. The study concentrated … Continue reading

Fitness Report Cards

2 years ago, the Arkansas schools began sending report cards and letters home to the parents grading not only their children’s academic progress, but also their fitness and weight levels. If you can imagine that receiving those letters were not pleasant – then you are not in the minority. Getting a school letter telling you that your child is fat is not a thing any parent wants to receive. However, these letters did do something. They provided the impetus for parents to take their kids to the pediatrician for talks about weight problems, enroll them in fitness classes and keep … Continue reading

Snowboarding for Fitness

It is easy to stop exercising in the cold of winter, especially because of the holiday season. However, it is possible to enjoy the winter, have a lot of fun with friends and family, and stay in shape all at the same time. Snowboarding is a great way to lose a few pounds, increase endurance, make friends and just have a blast during the holidays. Right off the bat, whether you are a good snowboarder or not, you know that you will lose weight because every time you snowboard, it will be an all day experience. A experience that will … Continue reading

Skiing to a Healthier You

Few winter activities are more fun or more traditional than skiing. The good news is that skiing can help to reverse the effects of other traditional holiday activities such as eating turkey, eating pie, and covering everything in gravy. Skiing is a lot of fun, it is an activity for everyone, and it is a great way to stay active through the winter holidays. Downhill skiing is a fun, painless way to stay in shape and get a workout. Skiing improves balance, timing, awareness and coordination, all of which are very important in other physical activities and are especially important … Continue reading

Skateboarding to Better Health

Even thinking of losing weight and getting in better shape can make most people begin to get tired. This is because they envision themselves dressed in sweats and running three and four miles a day, a task that can be exhausting and time consuming, adding to their already busy lives. Few people think of weight loss and better overall health as good motivation to have fun, but that is exactly what it can be. Almost any activity that does not involve food or a television can lead to weight loss. Whether it is throwing around a Frisbee with friends, playing … Continue reading

Rollerblading as Pure Fitness

Rollerblading started when the company Rollerblade introduced their new, innovative design of the new roller skate to the world in the early 90’s. With this new form of fitness came more companies developing their version of the rollerblade. Many people reported injuries when first attempting this innovative sport. People of all ages began to see more and more people at parks and on the city streets flying by on boots, which looked like a mix between a ski boot and ice skate. As the popularity rose, so did sales, as well as one of the largest fitness trends which have … Continue reading