Weight Training Leads to Longer Term Results

As you begin to explore your fitness options, you will discover that there are different answers to different fitness needs. Weight training is good for men and women and despite what many women may think, lifting weights can help with weight loss and toning shape so that clothes fit better and look better. Weight training is also a great way to build endurance, health and more. Before you start weight training, however you need to figure out where to start. Weight training requires proper form and execution; it’s also something you build up to. Before you dive into any fitness … Continue reading

We Need To Feel Pain

There is a reason that the body feels pain. Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong or that we’re in danger of something being wrong. We feel pain after a workout because we’ve done damage to our muscles. The muscle damage is necessary to build muscle strength because when torn muscle fibers repair themselves they are stronger than before. The repair job also burns more calories, that is part of the reason strength training helps in not only muscle building, but also in weight loss. You may experience your muscle soreness after the workout in … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies – You Could Be a Personal Trainer if ….

TGIF! Good morning and welcome to Friday. Most of us are happy to get to Friday because it’s the end of the week and whether we have plans for the weekend or not, most of us don’t have to do a lot of work and this is always a great feeling. So in honor of that feeling, here’s some Friday Fitness funny focusing on personal trainers – despite the fact that personal trainers are great to work with, they are also great to joke about. You could be a personal trainer if … Under previous employment you list weight training … Continue reading

10 Reasons You Should Strength Train

I gave my 10 reasons you should do cardio every day last week and today I am going to give my 10 reasons you should strength train. Strength training is important to your overall fitness and while many people resist strength training when they are working on losing weight using cardio and a low-fat diet. Learn why in these 10 reasons you should strength train. Strength training helps to build muscle, muscle can turn your body into a fat burning machine, burning calories more efficiently and steadily 24 hours a day and help you achieve your weight loss goals more … Continue reading

Kids & Strength Training

This is more of an ethical question for you than a fitness related one. In general, exercise is good for kids and adults alike. But weight training in young children demands more than a few questions other than what weights to start with. For example, if you are wondering whether your child would benefit from weight training or not, then here is some information that may help you. In general, children can start this at any age. From the moment they are first learning to hoist their toys, they are weight lifting. But if they are weight training with hand … Continue reading

Did you work out this morning?

Exercising in the morning is best according to many exercise physiologists. Exercising in the morning elevates your metabolism and it keeps it elevated throughout the day and helps you to burn more calories. A morning workout can energize you and give you more of a boost to your day than any cup of coffee. When you work out in the morning, you can regulate your appetite and skip the sugary breakfasts. Regular exercise every morning can have you waking up with a bounce to your step and you won’t be fighting drowsiness or fatigue upon opening your eyes in the … Continue reading

Wednesday Whys: Did you know …

Happy Wednesday! It’s hump day and we’re that much closer to Friday and TGIF! It’s day five of being back to school here and we’re finally getting into our routine. It’s also hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk (though I am far from tempted to try). The temperature reached a 107 on the thermometer here in North Texas yesterday and I don’t even want to think about the heat index. Be sure to drink plenty of water regularly, because dehydration becomes a real factor in this kind of heat. A good rule of thumb is to drink … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Healthy Mistakes

The title sounds like an oxymoron, I know. But there are a lot of healthy mistakes we all make and the scary thing is, we don’t even recognize them as mistakes when we do them. Mistake Number One: Sleeping in on the Weekends We get up early all week long, so turning off the alarm and just sleeping in a few extra hours on the weekend sounds like a great plan. Unfortunately, most people who sleep in late when they get up early the rest of the week face a problem called sleep inertia – they are groggy and have … Continue reading

How To Be A Good Client

This may sound like an odd topic for a Fitness blog, but we talk about personal trainers, how to find a personal trainer and even looking at personal trainers online. When you work with a personal trainer, you are hiring them and you are paying them for their expertise and their time. You have the right to want and expect the best. On the other hand, your trainer has the right to expect some things from you. So let’s talk about the ways you can be a good client and help the two of you get the most from your … Continue reading

4 Ways to Maximize a Personal Training Session

Okay, great – you’ve found a personal trainer to work with. Now what? Well, obviously you have scheduled a series of sessions. Many trainers like to book their sessions in blocks – so whether you have scheduled 2 sessions or 4 – there are ways to maximize your time spent with the personal trainer. Here are 4 things that you, as the client, should do to help you get the most for the money, time and training you are paying and receiving. Take Notes – Yes, there will be a quiz. Whether you write the notes down or you get … Continue reading