Are You Playing the Blame Game?

I have come to realize something about myself lately. It is that whatever struggle I may be having with fitness (which is usually food related), I blame it on someone or something else. I blame it on circumstances…well, if my life weren’t so stressful right now. I blame it on people…if they wouldn’t eat that in front of me. I even blame it on my children…I surely can’t deprive them entirely of junk food, so if they get to have it, why can’t I? These aren’t things that I outwardly say. But the reality is that much of this thinking … Continue reading

Falling Off the Wagon

After so many months of doing good, I have fallen off the wagon. The past couple of weeks I have been struggling to get in exercise. Actually, I shouldn’t really say I have been struggling…it has been easy to not exercise. Circumstances in life have gotten me feeling down, and unfortunately I have been handling it (or should I say not handling it) by eating junk food and skipping exercise. I am stuffing my emotions with food, something I thought I had overcome. It’s frustrating that I could so easily allow troubles in life to do this. Months and months … Continue reading

Would You Be Happier to Be Thinner Than Your Spouse?

Would you be happier if you were thinner than your spouse? I recently read in “Health News” that a new study from the University of Tennessee found that women who had a lower body mass index (BMI) than their husband in the first few years of marriage were much more satisfied. What they discovered is that it really had less to do with how skinny the wife was and more to do with her BMI. They apparently followed 169 couples, from the beginning of their marriages through the next four years. Men were also more satisfied when they had lower … Continue reading

What Would You Do to Be Skinny?

What would you do to be skinny? Well according to a survey done by Fitness magazine, 51% of the 2,400 women asked would give up sex for an entire year in exchange for being skinny. So is this an indication of a true lack of interest in sex or does it go deeper than that? Could it really be that women value a skinny body so much so that they would give up intimacy with another? Sadly, many women equate happiness with weight loss. “If only I could lose this extra weight, then I would be happy.” Yet time and … Continue reading

Dealing with Emotional Eating

Did you know that fitness can go deep into your emotions? Many people who struggle with their weight and eating right have some deep-seated emotional issues to deal with. I have to say that this has been my story for many years. When I do overeat, I know why. I also know why I sometimes lose the drive to exercise. Yet gaining complete victory over those reasons has yet to happen. You have likely heard the phrase, “Emotional Eating.” This occurs when a person eats, not because they are actually hungry, but because they want to feed a feeling. For … Continue reading

A Little Here, A Little There

Any amount of exercise is good for you. If you can even just snag 10 minutes of exercise a day, you are at least on the right track. It is better than nothing. Of course the ideal situation would be that you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. However a little here and a little there, it begins to add up. Guess what else adds up? If you are eating a little here, a little there than you are sabotaging any exercise efforts you have put in. I’m talking about unhealthy eating and I have to confess, … Continue reading

Disappointments and Delights

Fitness has become a source of both disappointments and delights. Sometimes the disappointments are just a matter of being impatient. I don’t want to wait for results. Other times the disappointments are a result of my own failures. The delights come in those measureable successes and knowing that I have overcome a particular challenge. It’s like a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. So here is where I confess my biggest disappointment in myself. After starting off on such a good fitness routine, I ended up falling off the wagon. I couldn’t remember the last time I had exercised until … Continue reading

Striking a Balance with Fitness

I hosted a “Sip and See” (a baby shower held after the baby is born) for a friend last week, and as a thank you, she gave me a tank top with the words “Well Balanced Mom” emblazoned on the front. I loved the shirt, but it got me thinking: Am I well balanced? I wore it to one of my classes and felt like I needed to explain that I don’t necessarily think I’m well balanced and that it was a gift. As a mother, I think we all struggle with balance in our lives, whether it is work/life … Continue reading

Keeping Fit Boosts Your Energy

Does it seem like you are always tired? I used to feel that way. I literally battled fatigue for years. I had all kinds of “reasons” for that. It was because I was a new mom. I then had three children. I was homeschooling. I was working. I had teenagers. I was this and I was that. I always had these reasons to validate why I was so tired. I had always heard that exercise would give you more energy but I guess I never really took that seriously. I have never been very overweight. I have always been at … Continue reading

Pro Basketball Player Speaks Out About His Fitness Challenges

When you are 6’3” and play for the L.A. Clippers most people assume you are in tip-top physical condition. Apparently, that’s not the case if you are Baron Davis. The NBA player is coming clean, telling the world about his struggles to maintain his weight and physicality. The 29-year-old basketball star admits that during the NBA off-season he has a tendency to let his fitness regime slide. Davis says once the season ends so does his daily workouts. In a candid conversation with news reporters the pro athlete admitted that he rarely cooks during the off-season and ends up “pigging … Continue reading