Start a Family Fitness Challenge

I turned on my Wii Fit Plus this morning and went right to the plaza. This is where everyone’s characters are housed until you select your character and start using the system. It was a sad sight before my eyes. All of my family’s characters were standing up and sleeping. Their heads were hanging down, arms were drooped and you could see “Zzzz” coming from each one. A part of me thought it was funny and a part of me thought it was sad. Our characters had not been using the system recently, some longer than others, so they had … Continue reading

Part Two: Interview with Neil Tejwani, Past Contestant on “Biggest Loser”

In part one I talked about the interview I had with season four contestant, Neil Tejwani and the journey he took that led him to the “Biggest Loser.” This blog continues with that interview. Neil shared a great quote from Albert Einstein that I believe can be inspiring for everyone. It is: “Within every difficulty lies an opportunity.” Neil shared that one of the biggest things he learned from being on the “Biggest Loser” was that people can underestimate the power of their strength and determination to accomplish what they purpose to do. If you apply yourself to something and … Continue reading

Part One: Interview with Neil Tejwani, Past Contestant on “Biggest Loser”

Last week I enjoyed a wonderful and inspiring conversation with Neil Tejwani from season four of “Biggest Loser.” I am very excited about sharing his story as I know it will encourage and motivate others. Neil’s journey to the “Biggest Loser” began in his high school years when a freak injury propelled him to begin overeating. By the time he was 19 or 20 years old, he was up to about 400 pounds. A couple of years later, during a routine doctor appointment, he discovered that he had hit 460 pounds. His doctor informed him that he had high blood … Continue reading

More/Fitness Women’s Half-Marathon 2010

On April 23-April 24, 2010 there will be a Health & Wellness Expo in New York City sponsored by More magazine and Fitness magazine. There will also be a Half-Marathon on April 25, 2010. This is the 7th Annual More + Fitness Half Marathon to take place. This event is open to all women ages 12 and up. The Health & Wellness Expo weekend begins with the distribution of t-shirts, gift bags and other goodies to the runners. Once inside the Expo, which is near Times Square, everyone can meander around to view health related exhibits, gather sample size products, … Continue reading

The Pen is Mightier than the Scale?

Is journaling the secret to meeting your weight loss and fitness goals? I read an article through an online news site where one student talked about the success she had after taking a basic English course where she was required to journal her daily activities including what she ate and drank. She said it was amazing to recognize what she was and wasn’t eating right and where she needed to make corrections. People Don’t Want to Know I’ve kept a journal of what I eat, drink and the amount of activity I’ve performed. It’s pretty tough to do because if … Continue reading

The Buddy Challenge!

You know what we haven’t had much of recently? If you’re thinking challenge, then you’re right. We haven’t had much of a challenge lately. So I thought I would offer you this challenging idea and see if you will pick it up and ‘run’ with it or ‘walk’ with it or even ‘cycle’ with it. We’re going to call it our Buddy Challenge. What Is It? The Buddy Challenge is a way to not only improve your fitness, but also to help you boost relationships with a buddy whether it’s a friend, a child or a spouse. For the purposes … Continue reading

Personalized Workout for the Busy Mom

You asked for the answers and here we go. We talked about building the busy mom workout earlier today and now we’re going to build a personal program for the busy mom. As most of us know between our commitments to work, school and the kids, there are just never enough hours in the day. This workout program is designed to help you meet your goals despite the time crunch. It takes about a month to really get used to this so adjust your expectations accordingly. Sunday Take the family out for a brisk walk on Sunday. You can go … Continue reading

Building the Busy Mom Workout

There are just never enough hours in the day. If you’re a mom (or a dad for that matter), then you’re probably constantly torn between all the stuff you need to do and all the things you have to do. When you have kids, finding time to exercise is probably one of the biggest challenges you have. Family Oriented Fitness With one child, it can be a challenge to meet your fitness goals and with each successive child it can become that much more difficult. The family that lives next door to me, for example, is comprised of mom, dad … Continue reading

Exercise Haters Anonymous

Do you hate exercise? Would you attend a meeting for exercise haters anonymous? Do you feel ashamed of the fact that you hate exercise, but not enough to push yourself into an exercise program? Do your palms get sweaty when other people talk about personal trainers? Does your heart race when you hear people making plans for hitting the gym? Well, relax. To be perfectly honest, exercise in and of itself doesn’t sound appealing. If you live in a world where you are constantly crunching time and finding five minutes to yourself is an onerous task, then trying to set … Continue reading

Partner Up: Lose Weight with Your Spouse

Are you committed to following a healthy eating plan? Do you have a regular exercise plan? Are you ready to think positively and commit to building a supportive atmosphere to get healthier and lose weight together? Don’t Fly Solo Too often we sabotage ourselves by thinking we have to do everything on our own. For those of us who are married, however, we have the built in support structure with our spouses. My husband has always laughed when I brought this up. He doesn’t think he’s the most supportive that he could be when it comes to working out or … Continue reading