A Review of Tracy Anderson’s “Post- Pregnancy Workout ”

Tracy Anderson is a trainer to celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna. I read about her success with her star clients and was very eager to try her “Post-Pregnancy Workout.” However, I have tried a lot of videos in my day, and was very skeptical about Anderson’s. Still, I only heard great things about her exercise method and decided to give it a try. Anderson combines dance aerobics (sold separately) with toning exercises (“Post-Pregnancy Workout”). She incorporates small weights (2-3 pounds) in an attempt to sculpt long lean muscles and to avoid the bulky look. I took dance as a … Continue reading

More Ways to Get Fit After Giving Birth

You had your baby three months ago and now you are dying to get back into your old jeans, but your body is not cooperating. So what now? The last thing you want to do is go on a diet. It may sound strange, but experts maintain that going on an official “diet” could derail your post-pregnancy weight loss goals. The reason: Studies show that moms who feel deprived of their favorite foods while experiencing stress from a new baby actually pack on extra pounds. Rather than diet, experts recommend eating a healthy menu featuring a variety of fresh foods. … Continue reading

Tips for Slimming Down Post-Baby

Just because it’s been a year since you gave birth doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve returned to your pre-baby body. After all, giving birth is only the beginning of life after baby. There are feedings to worry about, diapers, laundry, and new sleep schedules. So, when are you supposed to find time to workout? Experts suggest easing back into your fitness routine after giving birth. In fact, leading obstetricians advocate a gradual approach to weight loss as opposed to crash dieting and exercising like a fiend to shed unwanted baby weight. Doctors say, typically it should take between 9 to 12 … Continue reading

Moms Across America – Get Stroller Fit for Your Kids

Remember when I asked if you were a stroller mom a few months ago? Well, attention all stroller moms, tomorrow, moms across America will be strolling a few million miles to illustrate the importance of fitness and exercise to their kids. The Strollometer is one of the first speedometer/odometers of its kind for strollers and StrollerFit is a nationwide fitness group that is joining Strollometer for the 2007 Million Mile Moms Challenge. What is the Challenge? The challenge begins tomorrow (June 15th) and continues through July 15th. Moms are encouraged to collect logs of their millions of miles spent walking … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Aerobic Workout

Aerobic workouts are about maximizing the oxygen demands of the body, increasing your heart rate and respiration and generating some good old-fashioned healthy sweat. Any workout program you are going to engage in is going to have an aerobic component. Kaye Siders wrote about a great program she used called The Firm and there are some definite advantages to that program so you might want to check it out. Among my library of fitness programs is the XBox Yourself!Fitness – this is a gaming system workout that can also be purchased for the Playstation 2. This is a great option … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Workout Week Number 1

I promised the new moms out there some workout advice and a few posted routines to help kick start your fitness program. In an effort to cover all areas of fitness, we’ll talk about cardio and weight training this week. Next week, we’ll tackle an aerobic recommendation. Ideally, you should schedule a workout time for being 9 a.m. For most of us, when we work out first thing in the morning, we get our exercise in and we are less likely to be distracted from completing the workout later in the day. For new moms, you should have consulted with … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness – Testing Yourself

For most of us, when it comes to starting a fitness program, it can be daunting to look at the plethora of information available. Not only do you have to decide on a fitness program, you also have to figure out where to get started. So, let’s sit down and figure out how you can decide where you are with a little self-test. Cardiovascular Exercise The majority of exercise programs you are going to choose from will include a cardiovascular component. In fact, many personal trainers contend that you can’t lose weight or trim unwanted inches without a cardiovascular exercise … Continue reading

Post Natal Fitness – Sleep is Vital

Yes, I know you’re sleep deprived and I know that you’re losing sleep and struggling to get things done, take care of that new little baby and you’re still thinking about getting back into shape. This is part of the reason why we hold back on getting started on our fitness programs until 6 to 12 weeks after the baby is born. By the time your baby is three months old, they should hopefully be on a regular schedule of sleep and so should you. Sleep is an important time for your body to perform repairs and maintenance for your … Continue reading

Post-Natal Fitness: Let’s Talk Moms

Good morning! It’s two days after Thanksgiving and you are likely feeling like you overindulged Turkey Day. You may have compounded that with some over doing it in the shopping arena yesterday. Your little one probably feels more than overindulged – they were probably over stimulated and more than a little over done with people, noise and more. So take a few moments this morning and if the weather isn’t foul outside, put them warmly into a stroller and take them out for a good long walk. Don’t feel the need to run a marathon – keep it to a … Continue reading

Post Natal Fitness: Counting Calories

Did you know that when you were pregnant you burned 10% more calories if you were carrying a boy than if you were carrying a girl? Did you know that the average pregnant woman burns about 3,000 calories per day while she is pregnant and may continue to burn upwards of 2800 calories a day if you are breastfeeding, but while you burning these calories, you need to be aware that your body needs proper nutrition throughout the pregnancy and into the period where you are breastfeeding. However, even if you aren’t breastfeeding, you still need to maintain a healthy … Continue reading