Loving My George Forman Grill

A couple of months ago my sister was moving out of her apartment and had a pile of stuff she wanted to get rid of. My husband immediately pointed out this George Forman Grill that was still in its box. My sister had received it for a gift but never used it. We excitedly took it home. Initially my thought was that it would be perfect for us because my family really enjoys their meat. We especially enjoy grilling outdoors but since we live in Wisconsin, we are limited in how many months during the year we can actually do … Continue reading

What Do Your Portion Sizes Look Like?

Each week I try to work on a new healthy lifestyle goal. This week I have started working on portion size. This is one way that I want to work on finding satisfaction, not overindulgence, when it comes to my food. The biggest obstacle in my weight loss journey has been food. Setting goals to lose weight is great but what happens if you just plain love food? I am not quite ready to make drastic changes in my eating habits. There are some things I don’t want to give up, at least not at this point in time. I … Continue reading

Uncovering Your Past

This past Sunday night in my church service, our youth pastor preached a message about craving. While the nitty gritty part of his message had to do with the Bible he also talked about craving food. He used examples of food to build into his message but there were some real truths in what he spoke about. He talked about habits that we develop and how habits play into the types of food we eat. There are some foods that we eat because of pleasant memories we are brought back to. He used the example of his grandma’s pecan pie … Continue reading

Does “Fresh” Really Make a Difference?

Do you know where your food is coming from? Are you concerned? How far are you willing to go to get “fresh” food? These are some questions that my family and I are trying to answer. When I was a child, I remember my father telling me a story about a cow that he became “friends” with on their Indiana farm. He called his “pet” cow, Moses. One evening at dinner when my father was about 6 years old, he asked where Moses was, and my grandpa told him, “you’re looking at him.” Needless to say, things have changed quite … Continue reading

Is Your Daily Drinking Habit Killing Your Diet?

You can exercise for two hours a day, but if you are downing thousands of calories during your post-workout meals, then all your hard work is not doing much to help sculpt your physique. And even if you are not indulging in hot fudge sundaes and pepperoni pizza following your sweat sessions, you could still be sabotaging your fitness goals. According to a new study, 75 percent of U.S. adults are projected to be overweight or obese by 2015, and many of them have their drinking habits to blame. Researchers say Americans consume anywhere from 150 to 300 more calories … Continue reading

Pump Up Your Workout with Fruits and Veggies

Looking for a way to put some oomph into your fitness routine? Then, reach for an orange the next time hunger strikes. According to a new study, eating foods rich in antioxidants may boost your endurance. Researchers found that consuming a specific type of antioxidant called quercetin helped study participants exercise longer and harder. The study featured 12 fit college students, who were not regular exercisers. At the beginning of the study, researchers measured the students’ maximum oxygen uptake and the number of minutes they could ride a stationary bike. For 7 days, the college coeds followed their regular routines … Continue reading

Forget Gatorade, Grab Bowl of Chex Instead

Fitness fanatics take note: According to a new study, the next time you are in need of a nutritious boost, you should dip into a bowl of whole-grain cereal rather than sports drinks like PowerAde or Gatorade. Researchers maintain that a small bowl of whole-grain cereal is as good as a sports drink for recovery after exercise. Fitness physiologists say they found that readily available and relatively inexpensive breakfast food is as effective as popular, carbohydrate-based “sports drinks.” Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin recently studied post-exercise physiological effects of foods with the help of 12 trained cyclists, … Continue reading

Stay Fit by Eating Healthy

Exercise is not the only way to stay fit. Eating right and getting enough sleep are also important factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You may have designed the ideal workout routine, but if you are gorging on junk food to refuel, then you can’t expect to improve your fitness level. Eating the right foods is imperative to staying fit and healthy. So, when was the last time you went through your kitchen to weed out the good items from the bad? The next time you feel the need to purge, consider these tips: MILK Milk really does do a … Continue reading

More Ways to Eat Out and Still Stay Fit

In my previous blog I revealed some of the nation’s top-rated healthy eateries. These popular restaurants claim that you can dine at their establishments and still lose weight provided you stick with their portion sizes and get in about 30 minutes of cardio exercise per day. I was happy to see that a few of the places featured in my last blog are ones I frequent on a regular basis. Here now are the rest of Health Magazine’s picks for “Fittest Chain Restaurants in America”: Corner Bakery. This popular eatery scored exceptionally well for offering a delicious and healthy breakfast … Continue reading

How to Eat Out and Stay Fit

It’s not rocket science. As long as you stay away from super fatty foods, avoid gorging on high-calorie selections, and stick to your daily exercise routine, you should be able to treat yourself to a night out every once in a while. To make it even easier to stay fit while dining out Health Magazine recently put some popular chain restaurants to the test. The eateries were scored on the use of healthy fats and preparations, availability of nutrition information, and the use of organic produce. Here are the results: Panera Bread. The bakery/cafe has an impressive menu of healthy … Continue reading