Not All of Us Have Michele Obama Arms

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but there seems to be this new fashion out there in shirts for women. They are all virtually sleeveless. I went shopping at one of my favorite clothing stores yesterday, Kohl’s Department Store. I was on the lookout for some nice tops, however, was disappointed to see that almost all of them were pretty near being sleeveless. Its summer so you might be wondering what the big deal is about short sleeves. Well, I am still working on my upper arms so I don’t feel comfortable showing them off in a very … Continue reading

Debunking Exercise Myths

Exercise myths are great because they are either so patently untrue that it’s easy to dismiss them or they sound suspiciously like great advice so they are easy to believe. We’ve all been taken in by common fitness myths. My favorite was the one I believed for years. If you’re not going to give it your all and exercise every day or at least every other day, then exercise is a waste of time. That’s complete bunk. Sure, exercising every other day is ideal, but even if you can only get out and walk for an hour or two a … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Fun Articles

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the Bay Area of San Francisco would likely win a challenge to survival of the fittest and Seattle’s metropolitan residents would likely come in second. The American College of Sports Medicine brought in an expert panel of 26 health and physical activity specialists to measure the health and fitness index of 16 different cities. For the Bay Area of San Francisco, they included San Francisco, Fremont, Oakland and Hayward. The study found that an above average number of citizens in the area exercised regularly. The study takes into account the area’s available … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Ready, Set, Laugh!

Good morning and welcome to Friday! Can it really be Friday already? Where did the week go? Why do my legs hurt? Is it good that I can feel them this morning? How was your week? Are you ready to exercise your funny bone? I hope so! It’s been quite a while since we hosted our Friday Fitness Funnies and I thought it was a good time to bring them back as I could use the laugh! Fair warning: the rest of this blog isn’t supposed to be taken seriously. Funny, Ha! Ha! Some of the best advice my daughter … Continue reading

10 Things Pulling My Face Has Taught Me

Yes, you read that blog title right. I described to you earlier that My Face Is Killing Me and why. Now I feel compelled to share with you the 10 things that pulling my face have taught me. 10. First and foremost, learn to tell the story of what happened with a straight face. Grinning hurts. Laughing hurts. Snorting, grinning and laughing in quick succession can leave you gasping for breath because your face cramps and that just makes it all the funnier (if you appreciate black humor). 9. Don’t tell guys that you have a pulled muscle in your … Continue reading

My Face Is Killing Me

Yes, you read that correctly – my face is killing me. I mentioned my migraine last week and the difficulties of coping with it and trying to get over it. What gets more interesting is that Saturday morning, I woke up in pain – my face hurt. The pain was with my jaw – opening my mouth, closing my mouth and don’t get me started on chewing. The pain came in pulses, when the pulses were on – I felt nearly blind with the pain and the relief afterwards was intense. I went to the see the doctor at one … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Things You Don’t Want to Hear

It’s Friday and I have been having discussions lately with moms who work out at fitness clubs, moms who work out chasing their kids and still other moms who work out at home or through regular walking and running through the neighborhood. While all of these moms have different ways of achieving their fitness goals and likely even have different fitness goals, they are united in some ways. When it comes to fitness and exercising, there a lot of things we don’t want to hear. Some of those things include: You need to really sweat You need to work harder … Continue reading

Answers to Fitness Myths

I asked you yesterday about some of my favorite fitness myths and gave you a list of some common urban advice I’ve seen bantered about with regards to fitness and getting in shape. I asked you which ones were true and which ones were false. Here’s a refresher for those of you may have missed the original blog on this topic: True or False: If you want to lose belly fat, then you need to do sit ups and crunches to make that happen. There’s an easy way for everyone to lose weight, you just have to find the one … Continue reading

My Favorite Fitness Myths

Fitness myths are a dime a dozen and I don’t think anyone knows where they all get started. Like the whisper game, one person says it and then another and then another and before you know it, these little gems are considered just basic facts when it comes to getting in shape and getting fit. So I’m going to give you a little list and you might call it a pop quiz – some of the following are definitely fitness myths, do you know which ones are? True or False: A. If you want to lose belly fat, then you … Continue reading

No More Good Excuses

The alarm fulfills its function by sounding promptly at six a.m., announcing it’s time for me to get up and walk. I fulfill my function by fumbling for the snooze button and hiding back under the covers. Except, these days it’s not so easy to reason my way out of my morning exercise. I used to qualify my laziness as needing my beauty sleep, as the world seemed a much more beautiful place later in the day. But nowadays I’m more aware than ever of the empty space beside me. For the seventeen years we’ve been living together, this is … Continue reading