Spruce Up Your Fitness Routines

We’re having a garage sale this weekend. We’re cleaning out all the clothes that no longer fit my daughter and we’re putting out for sale everything from shoes to pants to dresses and more. We’re cleaning out cupboards in the kitchen too and selling a dish set that we never use and much more. You can do more to clean up your fitness act than just cleaning out the closets. Let’s talk about how we can give our fitness routines a spring/summer spruce and get rid of the parts of your routine that aren’t doing it for you anymore. How … Continue reading

Exercise Principles: Do It Right & It Works

When you were a kid if you shoved everything on the floor in your room under your bed, this is not what you mother meant when she told you to clean up your room. When your teacher told you to do your homework and turn it in on Friday, you probably lost points if it didn’t make it in until the following week. When we’re a kid, we’re told over and over again – do it right the first time. Do It Right the First Time We have a saying in our house, if you do it right the first … Continue reading

End of April Fitness Goal Check

Can you believe it’s the end of April already? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the New Year and then it was Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter and now – tomorrow, we celebrate May Day, then Cinco de Mayo, then Mother’s Day and the list goes on and on and on. We’ve come out of the Winter, into the Spring and now we are on the fast track to summer and the swimsuit season. There’s no better time than today to make your fitness plans, check your goals and more. End of the Month Fitness Goal … Continue reading

Two Weeks: How to Stick It

Sticking it is a term used in gymnastics that refers to holding your position when you land from a dismount. So when we use the words stick it in exercise and fitness, we’re talking about sticking to the workout. Sticking to your bike ride. Sticking to your routine. Sticking to walking everyday. Sticking to going to an aerobics class. And you need to stick it for at least a couple of weeks. Two Weeks Two weeks is the magic number of weeks you need to stick to a workout routine so that you can develop the habit and so you … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About April

Good morning, welcome to our last day of March here at the Fitness Blog and whew, we blew into March like a lion with all these plans and we’re slinking out like a lamb with only a few of those plans seen to fruition. We took a bit of a break in March and though it was unexpected, to be honest, I needed it and I reaped a great benefit from the break because I was able to relax and really recuperate from my surgery. So, for those of you who may have been looking forward to some of the … Continue reading

Change Your Habits in Five Days

In March Winds: What’s Blowing Our Way I described some challenges I’ll be hosting this March and the first of these challenges begins this Monday, March 5th. I wanted to give you a heads up on what to expect and what the challenge is so you can decide to participate or not. Personally, I hope you will participate because I think this will be a fun challenge for everyone. Change Your Habits in Five Days Habits are things we all get into doing regularly either through accident or design. This challenge is asking you to consciously change one habit for … Continue reading

March Winds – What’s Blowing Our Way

It’s March and what can you expect from the Fitness Blog this month? Well, we’ve got a lot on our plate and let me give you a preview of what you can expect this month: Change Your Habits in Five Days Challenge (begins March 5) Spring Forward to Action Fitness Challenge (begins March 11) Spring Cleaning – Body & Mind (begins March 21) Change Your Habits in Five Days On Monday, March 5th, we’ll introduce our change your habits in just five days challenge. You’ll be asked to pick one habit that you indulge in daily and give it up … Continue reading

End of January Fitness Check Up

It’s the end of January – yes, I know, already. I promised you at the end of last month that I would be making some changes to the end of the month fitness goal check ups and this is our first edition of a new check up method. We’ll see how it goes, of course, I’m always open to your ideas and your suggestions – feel free to drop me a private message here at families.com or in the suggestion box I’ll be posting on our forums. So let’s get to it. Fitness Check Up Let’s talk about our resolutions. … Continue reading

Procrastinators Are Always Successful

I bet that title caught your attention and I bet the first thing you did when you read that was go pfft. I know I did when I typed it. But you see, procrastinators are extremely successful at procrastinating. They put things off, they wait for tomorrow, only in a procrastinators world – tomorrow either never arrives or it crashes down on their heads. Procrastination is Chronic Now, we have all procrastinated at one time or another – I have. I’ve looked at a pile of laundry on the floor and rolled my eyes and said, nope, I’ll do it … Continue reading

Bad Attitudes – What You Can’t Afford

Good morning and welcome to Tuesday, today feels like a Monday here, even though I know intellectually Monday was yesterday. My daughter was home from school yesterday since her school was closed and with half the month down and fifteen days to go, let’s take a good look at the bad attitudes that can derail your best intentions and leave you feeling like you can’t achieve your resolutions. The first bad attitude is to focus your attention on the unrealistic idea that losing weight or getting in shape will end all of your problems. The thing is, fitness is more … Continue reading