Should You Exercise When Sick?

I think more than anything I was looking for a good excuse this morning to not exercise. I did a Google search on exercising while you are sick. I shouldn’t have been surprised but there were several articles about this. I have been feeling under the weather the past few days. My body is run down, my throat hurts and I am sure that bronchitis is making its way into my body. It’s hard enough to get up and take care of the family, home and still do my job. But exercise? I don’t even want to think about it. … Continue reading

The Blame Game

I recently read this crazy article about a guy who is suing the makers of an online virtual game called “Lineage II.” The premise for his lawsuit is that the game didn’t contain a warning that he would become so addicted to it that it would make him unable to function normally on a daily basis. Apparently this game prevented him from getting up in the morning, getting dressed, bathing or even being able to communicate with family and friends. Are you serious? It reminds me of the lawsuits that have been filed against McDonalds, citing it was the fast … Continue reading

Small Steps Can Lead to Big Changes

If you have been having trouble establishing a fitness routine, it may be that you are going at it the wrong way. For some people just jumping into a routine works great but for many other people they need to slowly work their way in. Weekly goals may be the right way to tackle your fitness routine. Monthly goals are too long and daily are too short. I think weekly are a good compromise. So let’s think about exercise. Let’s say you want to be able to work out at least 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes … Continue reading

When Cheating the System You Only Cheat Yourself

Whatever “system” you use to keep fit; there is one thing we could all be reminded of. It’s that while cheating the system, you only cheat yourself. My fitness “system” is my Wii Fit Plus. I have been faithfully working out now and feeling pretty good. However there was one day when I really didn’t feel like working out. But I wanted to mark it off on my calendar and keep up the pattern I had of working out every day. I wanted the Wii Fit system to recognize my commitment. So I worked out but I did it half-heartedly. … Continue reading

Don’t Give Up!

I hope you don’t mind if I toot my own horn for a bit. I have been back on the fitness wagon and going strong. I am feeling really good, physically and mentally. I have noticed changes in my body that are giving me such motivation. One of those changes is when I would do this particular yoga exercise that requires touching my toes while stretching my leg. When I first started, my knee was bent. I couldn’t straighten it for the life of me. Now I noticed that I can straighten it some. My muscles are being stretched and … Continue reading

Ticker Motivation!

A great motivator when you are losing weight and exercising is keeping track of such things as your measurements, your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your weight. There is something about seeing it in black and white that gets you excited and eager to get started on accomplishing your weight loss and fitness goals. Even more exciting and motivating is posting your goals and results on the internet for all to see. This is a great motivator, but a big step because once you post this information on the internet you are accountable. If you fail, you will have to … Continue reading

Discovering the Real You

I have come to realize that there has to be some level of acceptance when it comes to your body. I have said it before and I will probably say it a dozen more times, that fitness should be a lifestyle. Your lifestyle is a reflection of who you are, the real you. Is the real you a size 0? I have come to accept that it is not. In accepting that, I can also say that I would never want to be a size 0 because that is just not the real me. Too often we aren’t willing to … Continue reading

Maintaining Fitness Routine On Vacation

Last week my family took a trip to Washington D.C. One of the things that concerned me was having my fitness routine disrupted. I know that vacations can really set you back. One of the important things that you need to remember when taking a vacation is that the same rules apply. If you eat healthy at home you should eat healthy on vacation. If you exercise at home you should exercise on vacation. It may take some creativity to do this but for the most part, I believe it is possible. I would love to say that I followed … Continue reading

The Truth Sometimes Hurts

The truth really can hurt. I have been learning this with my new Wii Fit Plus game. I turn it on and my little animated Balance Board is quick to tell me if I haven’t been on it for a few days. Okay, like I really need that reminder. There are also some exercise routines that I’m not so good at. It’s usually an issue of being uncoordinated. I will sometimes hear, “You didn’t even break a sweat, did you?” Or my trainer will tell me that I am very unbalanced. The worst is when I take my body test. … Continue reading

No Time to Exercise or Just an Excuse?

What’s the number one excuse we usually hear for someone not exercising? It’s that they don’t have time. I used to say the same thing but quite honestly, we really do make time for what we want to do. I have always been up and down with my fitness routines. I can be going good for a spell and then suddenly something comes along to interrupt my day and I get off course. Since I work from home it might seem like I would have all the time in the world to squeeze in exercise. Believe it or not that’s … Continue reading