How Do I Get Rid of Stomach Fat?

Today’s blog will address a commonly asked question, “How do I get rid of stomach fat?” While most of us might think its doing exercises like crunches, abdominal exercises really don’t help to flatten your stomach. They actually help to strengthen your core and back. So just because you hear that a form of exercise is for the abdomen, don’t mistakenly believe it will tone the tummy area. Or don’t fall for some of the infomercials that spotlight exercise equipment which will “flatten your stomach in just one week.” What a lot of people fail to realize is that the … Continue reading

Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

A question that is asked by many is this…why aren’t I losing weight when I am eating healthy and exercising? This can be very discouraging. It seems like you are doing everything right, yet the pounds aren’t dropping. Well there are some important things to consider. The first is that it could be your body is gaining muscle. This is especially true if you have been doing a lot of resistance (strength) training. Another potential reason is that while you may not be losing pounds, you could be losing inches. This is why it’s always a good idea to not … Continue reading

Do I Need To Spend Money To Lose Weight?

Question: I hear about people dieting and losing weight successfully on all kinds of different plans that cost money. I am on a limited income and cannot afford to do this. Can I still lose weight without joining any type of program? Answer: One pound equals 3,500 calories. The combined efforts of decreasing your food intake and increasing the amount of calories that you burn due to exercise less 3,500 calories will lower your weight by that one pound. You do not have to be on any special program that costs you money to lose weight. If you devise a … Continue reading

Keeping Your Mind Busy While You Workout

I love to workout, but I get so bored sometimes while I am working out. Sometimes it feels like I will never be finished with my routine. What can I do to make the time go faster? It is never a good idea to rush through your fitness routine. You are not doing your body any good when you rush. In fact, if you rush you will not receive the full benefit from your workout. You also increase your chances for injury when you are in a hurry. What you really need is some distraction. Now, you do not want … Continue reading

How Do I Resume My Fitness Routine After An Injury?

I sprained my knee about 4 weeks ago. I want to get back into my fitness routine, but I am not sure how to go about it. How do I start exercising again without risking reinjury? You will want to make sure that you are at a point to start again safely. You will want to get your doctor’s advice and permission to proceed with your workout routine. Your doctor is a professional and he will know if it is safe to do so. Do not worry that you are starting back at square one. You would have to be … Continue reading

I Want to Know How to Get Conditioned

Welcome to Monday morning and to the next installment in our I Want to Know series. Mondays are hard days for me, at least lately, with my amount of time spent subbing increasing, I have to be more creative about getting my exercise in along with my writing and time with my daughter. A couple of weeks ago, I asked and you answered. Several of you wanted to know how to get in better condition whether it was just to tone up or to trim down. Exercise is a great way to get the body in shape, the mind sharper … Continue reading

I Want To Know How to Like Working Out

There’s no recipe to conjure up a great feeling about working out. The truth is – people like it or they don’t. But, you knew there was a but, right? Of course you did. Whether you like working out or not, you are more than likely to enjoy the results of a good workout – especially if you do it regularly. Results Matter Results matter. It’s a simple, but elegant fact that we all have to appreciate. After all, whether you are working out to look great in your wedding dress, to look great every day, to keep your blood … Continue reading