Moms Living with Chronic Back Pain

Is lower back pain keeping you sitting on the sideline of your own life? Like so many moms, I have been spending the last several years carting around infants, toddlers, and groceries, picking up stray toys and toting baskets of laundry. Now that my kids are older and I am spending more time working at my desk and driving them around in endless carpools, my lower back pain is flaring up again. Chronic back pain has plagued me in my adult life. I have gone through phases in my life where I have made more time for exercise and health. … Continue reading

A Review of “My Fitness Coach”

So for the past two weeks I have been thoroughly enjoying a new Wii fitness program, “My Fitness Coach.” After nearly a month of not using my Wii Fit Plus program due to health reasons, I was feeling a little unmotivated about starting up again. I think the boredom had finally hit and I was realizing that it wasn’t challenging enough. While I was physically active with Wii Fit, it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t sweating and to me, a good workout involves some sweat. So after several Facebook status updates from a friend who was using “My Fitness Coach,” I … Continue reading

Doing Some Floor Exercises While Watching TV

One of my favorite things to do while I am watching TV is to do some toning exercises. Sometimes on a really packed and tiring day I only have a half hour to get in some exercise. While cardio would be my first option to spend that time, sometimes I am too exhausted. Instead of just sitting in front of the TV, I’ve come up with a small workout routine that focuses on toning. Before beginning a floor workout, it is a good idea to warm-up. I enjoy doing jumping jacks or jogging in place for five minutes. For stomach … Continue reading

Pros and Cons to Elliptical Machines

I am a pretty big of my elliptical machine. I have a NordicTrack, found at most exercise stores and department stores that carry exercise equipment (such as Sears). Although the elliptical machines are one of my favorite workout machines, like with any machine, there are pros and cons. Pros One pro to an elliptical, whether at the gym or at your home, is that it is an indoor workout. Indoor workouts are convenient when the weather outside is less than desirable. Indoor workouts can also be safer. Instead of running outside where you have to deal with terrain, the elliptical … Continue reading

Try Tae Bo Sometime!

Tae Bo is a cardio kickboxing workout that really took off in the 90s. The founder, Billy Blanks, takes you through cardio workouts consisting of punches, kicks, and other kickboxing inspired moves. As a teenager in the 90s I would do the workout tapes a couple times a week. Later on I upgraded to DVDs and the workouts got harder. Most workouts are thirty to sixty minutes, and there are also some shorter power workouts. More recent additions to the collection include a boot camp workout, abs workout, and a cardio sculpting workout. the workouts include a warm-up to get … Continue reading

Yoga DVD Review

One convenient and inexpensive way to do yoga is through a DVD at home. Wear comfortable clothes, have a water bottle handy and you are just about ready to go. I like to use a yoga mat to help keep my feet from sliding during a pose. You can also get by using a towel on your carpet if you don’t have a mat. Bare feet generally work best for using a mat or towel. My first yoga DVD experience was a series called Yoga Zone. It was very relaxing and I caught on really quickly to the poses. However, … Continue reading

Staying Motivated While Using an Elliptical Machine

I started using an elliptical machine when I was a teenager. Now I am on my second machine and I still love it. Elliptical machines are a great addition for your at-home gym. They can seem a bit pricey but they last 5-10 years. The best thing is that it is great for days when you don’t want to workout outside. My elliptical has a built-in fan that is especially useful for hot days. Here are some ideas to keep you motivated while working out on your elliptical machine. This can be applied to other indoor cardio machines as well. … Continue reading

A Review of “Just Dance”

Well I took the plunge a couple of weeks ago and bought “Just Dance” for my Wii. I had two reasons for doing it. One was to relive some of the 80’s and 90’s, and the other was to incorporate dance into my fitness routine. Now before you get the idea that I am any good at dancing, let me assure you that my rhythm remains to be seen…however, it doesn’t really matter what you do in the privacy of your own home, does it? Now mind you my kids did snicker when I excitedly showed them my new dance … Continue reading

Top 10 Cheapest Fitness Equipment

Sometimes people who are ready to engage in or are thinking about fitness believe that they have to spend a lot of money. We tend to think that those who get the most benefit out of a fitness program are those who join a gym. But that isn’t necessarily true. You really can get fit using very cheap equipment. Here we are going to take a look at the top 10 cheapest fitness equipment that will get you on your way to a fit lifestyle. The first cheap fitness equipment is shoes. Why shoes? Well you certainly could spend a … Continue reading

A Review of Wii Fit Plus

I am so excited about sharing this review. Last week I wrote in my blog, Fitness and Video Games, how the American Red Cross was endorsing two Nintendo Wii games, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. I mentioned that I had ordered Wii Fit Plus after seeing a good friend of mine lose weight on it. Well I am happy to report what I think of Wii Fit Plus. From the moment I set everything up. Well okay, I take that back, from the moment my 11-year old helped me set everything up I was completely sold on this … Continue reading