A Review of “My Fitness Coach”

So for the past two weeks I have been thoroughly enjoying a new Wii fitness program, “My Fitness Coach.” After nearly a month of not using my Wii Fit Plus program due to health reasons, I was feeling a little unmotivated about starting up again. I think the boredom had finally hit and I was realizing that it wasn’t challenging enough. While I was physically active with Wii Fit, it wasn’t enough. I wasn’t sweating and to me, a good workout involves some sweat. So after several Facebook status updates from a friend who was using “My Fitness Coach,” I … Continue reading

A Review of “Just Dance”

Well I took the plunge a couple of weeks ago and bought “Just Dance” for my Wii. I had two reasons for doing it. One was to relive some of the 80’s and 90’s, and the other was to incorporate dance into my fitness routine. Now before you get the idea that I am any good at dancing, let me assure you that my rhythm remains to be seen…however, it doesn’t really matter what you do in the privacy of your own home, does it? Now mind you my kids did snicker when I excitedly showed them my new dance … Continue reading

A Review of Wii Fit Plus

I am so excited about sharing this review. Last week I wrote in my blog, Fitness and Video Games, how the American Red Cross was endorsing two Nintendo Wii games, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. I mentioned that I had ordered Wii Fit Plus after seeing a good friend of mine lose weight on it. Well I am happy to report what I think of Wii Fit Plus. From the moment I set everything up. Well okay, I take that back, from the moment my 11-year old helped me set everything up I was completely sold on this … Continue reading

Fitness and Video Games

Nintendo Wii is now being endorsed by the American Heart Association. Who would have ever thought that video game systems could go to this level? For some time I have been hearing about how great Wii Fit is. We own a Wii system and have a few games but I wasn’t ready to invest in something that I didn’t feel very sure about. A few days ago I ordered Wii Fit Plus and not only am I excited about it but so are my kids. What finally sold me is watching a good friend of mine lose weight by changing … Continue reading

Getting Fit With Video Games

The newest concept in getting fit is with video games and it appears to be a success. The Nintendo company has managed to find a way to play games, have fun and get people up and moving all at the same time. Challenging people to many activities has gotten people to play the games often in order to perfect their score. After all, who doesn’t want to be the best? This boils down to more movement and less sitting. Hey, however you have to get people motivated, right? In this new form of exercise, video exercise, you control the movements … Continue reading

Wii Love Bowling!

This past Christmas, we got our daughter a Nintendo Wii. I’ve actually been interested in getting one for more than a year, but besides being among the hardest to find game systems out there, it was also a little more of an expense than I felt like I needed to devote to myself, but after we got one for our nephew as a huge family gift, my daughter went crazy for it. When she wrote her letter to Santa, she asked for just six things and one of those was a Nintendo Wii. What Wii Love When I first wrote … Continue reading