Fitness and Video Games

Nintendo Wii is now being endorsed by the American Heart Association. Who would have ever thought that video game systems could go to this level? For some time I have been hearing about how great Wii Fit is. We own a Wii system and have a few games but I wasn’t ready to invest in something that I didn’t feel very sure about. A few days ago I ordered Wii Fit Plus and not only am I excited about it but so are my kids. What finally sold me is watching a good friend of mine lose weight by changing … Continue reading

Bally Twist Board

The Bally Twist Board is a remarkable round shaped board that lies on a swivel pedestal. It measures an approximate 10 inches by 10 inches in diameter and only about an inch and a half in thickness. A little over 1 pound in weight it is surprising what this exercise item can do for you. The Bally Twist Board is a great exercise tool that aids in toning and slimming troublesome areas, such as your hips, your waist and your thighs. Simple and easy to use this twist board provides its user with a unique form of exercise. Standing upon … Continue reading

Fitness Magazine/Fitness Website Review

Fitness magazine is one of the top-selling fitness magazines. One of my favorite magazines it has all kinds of good information in it for anyone wanting to stay in shape. Topics include subject areas, such as weight loss, health, recipes that are good for you, beauty and working out. It is a good read and I have picked up so many tips on staying fit. I cannot say as one section of the magazine was better than the other, as they are all fantastic and helpful for those wanting to shed some extra pounds. A one-year subscription is reasonable and … Continue reading

Getting Fit With Video Games

The newest concept in getting fit is with video games and it appears to be a success. The Nintendo company has managed to find a way to play games, have fun and get people up and moving all at the same time. Challenging people to many activities has gotten people to play the games often in order to perfect their score. After all, who doesn’t want to be the best? This boils down to more movement and less sitting. Hey, however you have to get people motivated, right? In this new form of exercise, video exercise, you control the movements … Continue reading

Treadmills Don’t Have to Be Boring

I own a treadmill and I absolutely love it. I know that some think walking on a treadmill is boring. At least if you are walking outside you get to enjoy the scenery. The treadmill is seen as something you do while staring at the walls. I used to think the same thing. I got tired pretty quickly of looking for cracks in the wall or following the trail of a spider-web. So I found things to do on the treadmill. I usually start off and end at a slower speed for my warm-up and cool-down. During that time I … Continue reading

DVD Review: Denise Austin: Hit the Spot-Core Complete

Denise Austin has received rave reviews again with her “Hit the Spot-Core Complete” DVD. This approximate 70-minute DVD workout addresses not just one area or two areas like some DVD workouts do, but it rather addresses several areas. There are four workouts on the DVD that targets your buttocks, your arms and legs, your abdomen and core body. The result is an evenly toned body resulting in a healthier appearance. The workout begins with a 5-minute warm-up, and then continues to include a 15-minute session that focuses on your mid-section and upper body. This includes firming up your shoulder, arms, … Continue reading

Hers MS93 Stepper with Handle

I bought a portable stepper about five years ago. It was used daily. I loved that thing because of its convenient portability. Much to my disappointment my stepper had bit the dust about a month ago. With that one gone I wanted to get another because it was a well-used item. It gave me countless hours of exercise. I wanted another portable stepper. They were small, compact, easy to move around to different areas of the house. Best of all, they were priced right. I had not planned on getting one with a handle due to the extra cost, but … Continue reading

The Benefits of Refurbished Equipment

Are you planning to set up a home gym? Does your homeowner’s community center want to add a self-service fitness center? Our local clubhouse (provided by the HoA) is considering outfitting a small, do it yourself gym area that only the homeowners can use for a nominal fee. I sent in a few suggestions and I wanted to share a few with you. You can save yourself a lot of money by keeping an eye out for refurbished equipment. Why Refurbished Equipment? Commercial equipment is far sturdier than your standard home gym equipment. Why? Commercial equipment is designed to be … Continue reading

Wii Love Bowling!

This past Christmas, we got our daughter a Nintendo Wii. I’ve actually been interested in getting one for more than a year, but besides being among the hardest to find game systems out there, it was also a little more of an expense than I felt like I needed to devote to myself, but after we got one for our nephew as a huge family gift, my daughter went crazy for it. When she wrote her letter to Santa, she asked for just six things and one of those was a Nintendo Wii. What Wii Love When I first wrote … Continue reading

Interval Training With Your Treadmill

Yes, we’re talking about treadmills and walking again today. As boring as walking in place may seem to be when you are looking at your fitness options, the treadmill is only as boring as you make it. It’s my opinion that the treadmill offers you a wealth of options, you just have to take advantage of them. So let’s talk about interval training on your treadmill today. Interval training is becoming a real hot trend in modern fitness because it increases the number of calories you burn and can actually substantially increase your fitness regimen overall. This is how it … Continue reading