The Day Fitness Changed

In 1975, the first video cassette recorder went on sale to the public. It would still be a few years before they became a common household item, but they soon took off and became very common. I remember in the mid 80s that a four-head VCR cost about $400, but by the mid-90s, the same VCR cost about $80. Today, they sell for even less and the DVD player has replaced them. Let’s Step Back But on June 7, 1975, the first video cassette recorder went on sale. And what a revolution it sparked not only in home entertainment, but … Continue reading

Treadmill Workout Tips

The treadmill is a fantastic piece of equipment that provides you with the opportunity to do your workout no matter what the weather is like outside. A treadmill takes up a relatively small footprint in the home if you buy one that folds in half and it can allow you to mix it up whether you want to go fast or slow, uphill or on the flat and let’s face it – it’s a great way to get your exercise and your soaps in at one time. (As I’ve said before – I like to work out at home and … Continue reading

Shake Your Booty

Do you remember those machines from the 70s – the ones with the strap that you looped around your hips, buttocks and lateral abs? The strap would vibrate and people were convinced it was the way to go to help burn weight? What about the belt that was popular on television infomercials in the 80s? You put it on and supposedly it focused on your abdominals with targeted vibrations? Guess what? We have new vibration equipment out there, despite the debunking of the previous two fads and we have NASA to thank for it. So what am I talking about? … Continue reading

Author Challenges The Obsession with Obesity

In her book, Rethinking Thin Gina Kolata argues that being fat is not something that people have control over. A researcher asked the question: Would you rather be fat or blind? Kolata, a science reporter for The New York Times, shares the answers to the researcher’s question. 89 percent of respondents to this question all agreed that they would rather lose their sight than be fat. When you’re blind, people want to help you. No one wants to help you when you’re fat. The idea that people would rather be blind than fat is shocking, but once you start reading … Continue reading

Fitness Review : Crunch – Fat Burning Dance Party

The Crunch Fitness DVD series offers a lot of different types of exercise for all types whether you are looking for a straight up toning workout, a cardio workout or, as is the case for the Fat Burning Dance Party – a fun workout. I’ll state it straight out that Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party is for the beginner or someone looking more to just get up and move than someone who’s been working out readily or steadily for more than six months. Your intermediate to advanced exerciser is not likely to get much out of this workout. 3 Sneakers … Continue reading

Fitness DVD Review – Shrink Your Female Fat Zones

It’s that time again for one of our fitness DVD reviews and I know it’s been a while, but I think you’ll enjoy taking a look at Shrink Your Female Fat Zones and maybe I’m being petty but for whatever reason, the title of this Denise Austin workout reminds me of the tired argument between kids over what’s a girl toy and what’s a boy toy – but then, that’s neither here nor there. Synopsis Denise Austin has created quite a few workout DVDs in her tenure as a fitness guru. She’s popular, she’s got a great attitude and I … Continue reading

Exercise on Your Own Terms

One of the greatest gifts of the modern age is the television, the Internet and the technology to watch anything, anywhere and anytime. So if you want to exercise, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all you have to do is turn on the television – literally. We’ve talked about this before, the access we have to fitness DVDs, downloadable programs, iWorkouts on your iPod and iFitness from Nike and much, much more. But the thing is, despite the availability of so many different workout options, it doesn’t seem like there are many people out there who seem … Continue reading

Fitness DVD Reviews: Crunch – Boot Camp Training (1999)

Since I was talking about boot camps last week, I thought this would be an appropriate DVD to review for our fitness DVD review program. The DVD is called Crunch – Boot Camp Training. Before I even begin my review, let me say that this DVD is going to stick around for a little while – I want to use it again and that’s an endorsement I don’t make to every fitness DVD out there. There are only a handful that I have every really repeated the usage of – Crunch – Boot Camp Training is definitely one of them. … Continue reading

Amazon’s Having a Big Sale

Hey, are there some fitness DVDs that you’ve always wanted to pick up, but you’re on a frugal budget? If you are, now’s the time to head over to Amazon, they’ve got a bunch of fitness dvds and more available in their huge blowout sale. The Fitness Blowout Sale on Amazon is not necessarily an annual event, but it’s got a number of different So what can you find at this great blowout sale? Well, let’s start with the following: Denise Austin’s Personal Training System (2004) – Take advantage of Denise Austin’s fit and fun personality in this interactive DVD … Continue reading

Fitness Review – Dance Fitness for Beginners: Daily Quickies: 10 Minute Workouts

Earlier today, I gave you my review of Leslie Sansone’s Walk Away the Pounds: Power Mile DVD and now we’re going to take a look at Dance Fitness for Beginners: Daily Quickies: 10 Minute Workouts. The style of DVD is very different from the previous one as it utilizes different instructors to lead you through different styles of workouts. 10 Minute Quickies MaDonna Grimes offers the best aerobic workout on this DVD. Her aerobics get your heart up and racing. This is also not a beginner’s workout. The cardio stimulation is easy to follow and gives you a heart-pounding workout … Continue reading