Fitness Week in Review

The countdown to the holidays is on. Thanksgiving is less than a week away and we are now just a hair shy of being exactly one month away from Christmas. If you are a fitness fanatic this time of year likely provides motivation to workout, especially if you tend to overindulge during holiday eat-a-thons. Personally, extra-long workouts allow me to gorge without the guilt. For others the holidays mean taking a break from daily exercise routines. Hopefully, you won’t take a break from reading the FITNESS blog this holiday season. I’ll still be here providing information on the latest and … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review: November 11-17, 2008

We are 10 days away from the holiday gluttons most adore—-Thanksgiving. If you plan to pig out on Turkey Day, you might consider perusing the following FITNESS blogs. Whether you choose to burn off holiday calories by taking an extra long run or you want to learn how to curb your addiction to chocolate we’ve got you covered: November 11th—–Running: It’s All About the Shoes. Before you set out to shed pounds via running it is imperative that you purchase the right shoes. This blog provides helpful tips on what you should look for in proper-fitting running shoe. November 12th—–Running: … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for November 2-9, 2008

Did you know that women make gyms germier than men; that exercising can reduce the risk of breast cancer; and that very bad things can happen if you suddenly quit working out? You would have if you read this week’s entries in the FITNESS blog. If you missed the information on these timely topics, don’t fret, a recap of this week’s blogs are listed below: November 2nd—–Celebrity Marathon Runners. It’s not everyday that you see some of Hollywood’s biggest names running nearly naked through the streets of the Big Apple. Find out, which celebs toughed it out along the 26.2-mile … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for October 20-26, 2008

If you are planning to pig out on Halloween candy in the coming days you might want to consider some of the tips provided in this week’s Fitness blogs. October 20th—–Running While Pregnant. Some women can barely walk while they are pregnant while others run marathons. Find out whether running during pregnancy is a wise move or a recipe for disaster in this blog. October 21st—–Keeping a Workout Journal. People journal about their vacations, their love life and their children’s milestones, so why not put that writing to good use by documenting your workouts? Find out why more and more … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for October 13-19, 2008

What kind of music do you listen to while you workout? Would you consider running a marathon while you were pregnant? Do you skip over warm-ups and cool downs because you want to get out of the gym and on with your day as quickly as possible? Those are just a few of the questions posed last week in the FITNESS blog. To see what else you might have missed take a look at the following recap: October 13th—–How “Fit” is Your Child’s Cereal? Most of us are so concerned about getting our children off the couch and outside to … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for October 6-12, 2008

Whether you live in a major metropolitan area or in Smallsville, USA these tough economic times have likely put a major dent in your budget. For some it has meant reevaluating whether a gym membership is really worth the hit to the wallet. This week the Fitness blog provided tips on how to make your fitness dollar stretch during these troubling times. We also covered ways to keep your stomach from stretching beyond what your “fat” pants will allow, and how to stretch your free time to fit in a decent workout. October 6th—–Exercise Challenges: Big City, Little Income. Don’t … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 29-October 5, 2008

Whether you’re trying to keep your children safe as they participate in fall sports or you are just trying to make the most of your limited workout time this week’s Fitness blogs offered a wide range of useful tips to help you achieve your goal. Take a look: September 29th—–9-Year-Old Triathlete Makes History. If you need motivation to fuel your workout regime the story of Winter Vinecki should do the trick. The 9-year-old recently made history by completing a triathlon in honor of her father who is battling prostate cancer. You can read all about her amazing feat in this … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 21-28, 2008

Did you gain the “Freshman Fifteen” during your first year at college? Was it easier shedding the pounds then than it is now? This week a famous pro basketball player revealed that he has never struggled more to lose weight than right now… and he’s playing in the big leagues. His fitness story was just one of the many topics that were covered in this week’s blog. If you missed any of them this is your chance to get caught up. September 22nd—–Avoiding Classic College Weight Gain. A well-known West Coast university is pulling out all the stops to help … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 15-21, 2008

If you have been looking for a way to burn more calories in less time this Week in Review is your one-stop source of information. Over the past few days I have offered tips on some of the most effective calorie burning exercises available. If you want to see results in your figure before the holiday season rolls around this is the time to start. By reviewing the following blogs you can get a better handle on what you need to do to accomplish your weight loss goal and get fit for the new year. September 15th—–Exercising on the Road: … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for September 8-14, 2008

If you find yourself constantly lamenting about your age and the way you feel because of it you’ve come to the right place. This week the Fitness blog took aim at getting older and how exercise can make a huge difference in the way you live life as the years go by. Did you know moderate exercise might help stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? And that building muscle mass as you age can help you both physically and mentally? Finally, if you really can’t stop dwelling about getting older consider that at 37 years old Lance Armstrong is about … Continue reading