January for a Yoga Teacher

The past month has been a whirlwind of teaching for me. I believe that I’m on seven days in a row of teaching at least one class a day. Don’t get me wrong – I find my work very satisfying. It is wonderful to find something that I enjoy doing and that helps other people become healthier and maybe even happier. However, my sleep schedule is really what reveals that my body is trying to catch up. By 9:30 every night (except for “24” night) my eyes are involuntarily shutting. I know what some of you are thinking – you’re … Continue reading

My Family Meltdown at Family Yoga

I thought I would share my teaching struggle with other parents who teach their children. Although, I’m not usually teaching my child because he goes to public school, I did have him in the Family Yoga class that I taught yesterday. I’ll start by saying that I truly respect parents who can patiently teach, coach or lead a group of kids that includes one of their own. If anyone knows what the behavioral meltdown that occurs in this situation is called, I would love to know. Something about being a yoga teacher makes me superimpose this idea that I’m supposed … Continue reading

Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Deciding to “do what I love” was one of the hardest things for me because I love doing so many things. It would nearly be dishonest to leave out the fact that choosing what I love as a career might also be difficult because it means less income for my family. I was blessed to have a support mechanism around me that encouraged me to pursue yoga as something I could share with other people, and yes, slowly make a life’s work. Many people wonder how one goes from being a yoga student to a yoga teacher. Hopefully, I can … Continue reading