Not Your Mama’s Thanksgiving Recipes

Back in my previous life as a TV journalist, I had the opportunity to cook with local “celebrity” chefs when they appeared on our morning show. I actually did more eating than cooking, but I learned some culinary tricks just the same. The holidays always included a steady stream of cooking segments featuring proud pro chefs whipping up unique dishes. The following is a sample of some of the recipes I saved from those segments. They’re nothing like my mom served us on Turkey Day, but boy were they popular with our studio crew. THANKSGIVING GRAVY Ingredients: 1 can cream … Continue reading

Simple Seasonal Dips You Can Make with Your Kids

In a previous blog I mentioned that my 4-year-old daughter is enrolled in a cooking class. She absolutely loves it and has fast become my second set of hands in the kitchen. Each week her teacher introduces a new theme, which is incorporated into all of the classroom activities (cooking, reading, art projects, etc.). With fall in full swing, acorn squash was this week’s featured ingredient. The recipe my daughter made is listed below. It couldn’t be simpler to make… and believe it or not my persnickety little eater actually tried some of it (which is another reason I enrolled … Continue reading

Seasonal Recipes for Acorn and Butternut Squash

If you are looking for an affordable way to get into the spirit of the fall season consider purchasing some acorn or butternut squash. For the past two weeks my local market has drastically reduced the prices of its squash and by the looks of the containers, which continue to overflow with the orange and yellow produce, not very many people are interested in taking advantage of the deal. If you are not used to cooking with acorn or butternut squash the following recipes might provide the incentive you need to get over your apprehension. The first recipe is as … Continue reading