Homemade Hangover Cures

Need a homemade hangover cure for yourself or friends and family? Take your pick, here is the latest advice on what to do to cure a hangover, as well as some classic hangover cures. Please note that the best way to avoid a hangover is to not overindulge in alcohol. Also, this blog is informational only and not intended to provide medical advice. Milk Thistle Hangover Cure This year, New Years Eve partygoers are stocking up on capsules of milk thistle as insurance against an achy head that results from too much drinking the night before. Once used centuries ago … Continue reading

Hurricane Food

Well, we made it though Hurricane Sandy, and while our area is still seeing some of the after effects of this historic storm, we are in good shape. and well fed. When you are in the middle of a hurricane or in its aftermath, the food you eat should be easy to prepare, comforting, and in some cases, assembled without the use of the stovetop or oven. Stock up on the following items and use these tips to make sure that you can feed your family when you shelter in place. Canned Soup and Stew Easy to heat and easy … Continue reading

When the Food on the Box Doesn’t Look Like the Food in the Box

Those glossy photos of food on their boxes can sometimes mean the difference between purchasing the product and leaving it behind on the shelf. Confronted with an image of a fluffy cream-filled cake or a soup that is steam and filled with chunky vegetables, we instinctively want to enjoy it. That usually means purchasing the product, taking it home and maybe heating it or cooking it first. Unfortunately, somewhere between taking it out of the box and actually eating it, we may be left with a nasty surprise. The actual food looks not much like the picture we were given … Continue reading

What You Need to Know about Maple Syrup

Is your maple syrup all that it should be? Real maple syrup can be used not only for pancakes but also in many savory dishes. When choosing maple syrup from the store, it is important to read the ingredient label. There should be only one: maple syrup. Just because a bottle is labeled all natural does not mean that it is pure or real maple syrup. Cheaper syrups, usually labeled pancake syrup often have no trace of maple syrup in them at all. Maple syrup comes in four different USDA grades, lighter and darker. The darker grades (the syrup is … Continue reading

All About Tuna

Tuna in an inexpensive form of protein that delivers plenty of minerals and omega-3 fatty acids which improve brain function and help prevent heart disease. It can also decrease the effect of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. There is, on the other side, the issue of mercury in tuna, which can be dangerous. Mercury Let us start with the mercury issue. The older the fish, the more mercury it will contain. So commercially farmed fish tend to be older and have more mercury than wild caught fish. Troll or pole-caught tuna has the least, but will be the most expensive, … Continue reading

Finding Fresh High Quality Ingredients

The quality of your ingredients will definitely affect the quality of your meals. And while you may be able to get away with certain common ingredients for every day cooking, if you want to step it up for certain meals, you’ll have to find fresh, high quality ingredients for your recipes. You’ll definitely be able to tell the difference in your cooking. Fresh, high quality ingredients don’t necessarily have to be expensive, although you may pay a bit more than the normal processed supermarket fare. Of course, if your sources include local farmer’s markets, co-ops and the like, you should … Continue reading

Food Enthusiast Websites

We all have our favorite foods as well as those foods that we just don’t know what to do with. Visiting a website devoted to particular ingredients or recipes can be helpful in a number of ways. These sites can breathe new life into your cooking, or just give you a way to expound the wonders of your particular food. Food enthusiast websites are a wonderful place to make new online friends and get advice, too. For example, do you know the right way to sweat an eggplant or tricks to tempering chocolate? These websites are a draw for experts … Continue reading

Pumpkin Roll Tips

There are no better pumpkin rolls than the ones you can get in Lancaster County, made by Amish hands using real farm fresh ingredients. Because Lancaster is a little bit of a drive, I figured that I better learn pretty quickly how to make a pumpkin roll. Like anything else related to pumpkin, my kids start clamoring for it once the cooler weather starts to set in to the area. There are a couple of tips that I want to share about creating a pumpkin roll. Most people are intimidated by the rolling part. It really isn’t that difficult, as … Continue reading

The Three Second Rule

You drop a potato chip on the floor and pick it up within three seconds. Is it safe to eat? Does swallowed chewing gum stay in your body for seven years or forever? How risky is double dipping your chip? Learn the real answers behind these weird food facts and separate the truth from the myth. Let us start with the three second rule. Growing up, we called it “Kissing it up to God.” In other words, if something fell on the floor but you still wanted to eat it, you could raise it to heaven and kiss it. The … Continue reading

How to Find Produce in Season

You’ll get the freshest taste and the best value for your money when you purchase your produce in season. While our modern world makes strawberries available in the middle of winter, you may be paying a premium for them in both price and flavor. Instead, learn which produce is in season in your area, and you’ll be in the best shape. How can you tell which produce is in season? Well, there are several ways. Start with what is readily available and on sale. Chances are that this produce is in season. Look at the condition of what is available. … Continue reading