Baking Up a Healthy Breakfast

I’m not a breakfast person. I’d prefer to sleep through breakfast and have an early lunch. That’s just me, but my daughter rises early and wants her breakfast right away. Whether I like it or not, either my husband or I have to get some kind of food ready for her to eat in the early morning. To be honest, her breakfasts have become rather unhealthy. Some of the easy breakfasts that we make her are (try not to gasp when you read beyond this) toaster strudels, pop tarts, cereal and frozen waffles. I know most of those sound really … Continue reading

Kashi Equals Fiber

Recently I learned about the product brand name Kashi. I heard that someone was using Kashi products for her weight-loss plan, so I decided to look into Kashi. First I tried the Kashi TLC® (Tasty Little Crackers) in the Original 7 Grain flavor. (There were 3 other choices available from Kashi TLC®; they were Country Cheddar, Natural Ranch, and Honey Sesame, just FYI.) I thought the Tasty Little Crackers were very good, especially for a healthy cracker. The big deal with Kashi is they claim to be all about “7 Whole Grains on a Mission.” Since whole grains help the … Continue reading

Choose Fruit for Healthy Kid or Adult Snacks

If you have kids, then I’m sure you’ve heard, “I’m hungry” quite a few times, right? I don’t know about you, but I often forget that snack time is coming up, and, of course, my child has not forgotten about it. I usually give her a few choices for her snack, and she’ll usually choose the same ol’ thing, goldfish crackers and raisins. While raisins are a great snack choice and very healthy for her to eat, the goldfish crackers are not so much, and I really should find a healthier alternative to them, for instance whole wheat or whole … Continue reading

A Great-tasting Green Tea

This is my very first food blog here at I decided my first blog would be about my favorite green tea, because, well, I ran out of green tea at my home this morning and I am certainly thinking that I want to get some more of it. A friend of mine introduced me to a wonderful Celestial Seasonings green tea called Blueberry Breeze. This tea has such a sweet flavor that after I tried it the first time, I knew I’d be purchasing my own very soon. And, I bought some of it during my next trip to … Continue reading

My “Get Back on Track” Soup

Losing weight is never easy. With Halloween having just passed, and Thanksgiving just around the corner, you may have already been inundated with far too many sweets and comfort foods. Instead of “dieting” during the holidays, why not make up a delicious batch of soup? It fills the comfort-food need in you and gives you the fiber and vitamins you need to get healthy. The best thing about this recipe is that it’s just a starter. I used the ingredients I had in my own kitchen to make this soup. If you have other ingredients in this soup, they will … Continue reading

Can I Be the Biggest Loser?

After trying on evening gowns for the Marine Ball and looking like a stuffed sausage, I have decided to get serious about weight loss again. Which is not easy when blogging about all these delicious recipes! I’ve been watching “The Biggest Loser” and hoping to gain inspiration from there and the weight loss blogs here at Families. When I visited “The Biggest Loser” web page at NBC, I found this yummy pasta recipe and wanted to pass it on: Angel Hair with Rockin’ Red Clam Sauce For this recipe, you will need one small yellow or white onion, cloves of … Continue reading

10 Fabulously Healthy Foods

I love to blog about rich, fattening foods here, but I also think about my health. With a rambunctious two year old, I need to do all I can to maintain my health, in hopes of being able to keep up with him! So here are ten healthy foods I plan to start incorporating into my diet: 10. Garlic Okay, many of us think of garlic as a way to ward off vampires, but it can also ward off the common cold and the flu. Garlic has many vitamins, including C and B6. It is also believed to help protect … Continue reading

What You Eat Could Be Making You Sick!

If you find that after eating certain foods that contain dairy products makes your stomach hurt, you have gas and abdominal pain, you are probably lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is not a life-threatening ailment. It just means that your body is sensitive to dairy products, such as milk and cheese. And it lacks an enzyme called lactase that is needed to absorb and digest milk sugar. Instead, the lactose stays in the intestine where it is fermented, causing stomach discomfort. Lactose intolerance is common in that 70 percent of people the world over are sensitive to dairy products. A person … Continue reading

Health Magazine: World’s 5 Healthiest Foods Part 2

Yesterday we discussed Health Magazine’s top three picks for the World’s Healthiest foods. Read part one here. Today we have numbers three and four. India’s lentils are a particular favorite of mine and I plan to eat a lot more after reading about all their good side effects, including possibly slowing down the aging process. Bring on the lentil soup! All of the healthiest foods are easily worked into a regular diet, with the exception, possibly, of Korea’s kimchi. In my humble opinion, and I am not a picky eater, kimchi is an acquired taste. I used to be married … Continue reading

Health Magazine: World’s 5 Healthiest Foods Part 1

In the March 2006 issue of Health magazine, they list the five foods in the world they think are the healthiest. It is interesting that the foods are staples of populations with generally above-average health. Coincidence? I think not. Here is a brief summary of Health Magazine’s top picks, first through third. Tomorrow we’ll discuss their fourth and fifth picks. 1. Spain: Olive Oil Olive oil is a staple in every typical Spanish home. Although most associate olive oil with Italy, almost half of the world’s production is in Spain. (Learn more about olive oil here). Olive oil protects against … Continue reading