Ask the Sneaky Mama: Healthier Lunches?

Question: I have a question for the Sneaky Mama. I cannot seem to get my kids to eat anything besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch. Do you have any suggestions for healthier alternatives like chicken or tuna? So now you know, if you want the Sneaky Mama to answer a question about sneaking healthier foods into your child’s diet or making “real” food, kid friendly–just send me a message and I’m likely to answer! Is Peanut Butter Not a Major Food Group? Sometimes I think peanut butter gets a bad rap. True–if you and I eat it, it … Continue reading

Do You Buy Food Delivered by Mail?

I do. Not everyday groceries, mind you. Most of what I order is stuff I can’t find in my favorite grocery stores. Take this acai (pronounced a-sigh-ee) stuff I ordered the other day from Acai Roots. Getting an Acai Fix I read an article about the benefits of acai berries, which come from Brazil and are supposed to be among the most nutritious and antioxidant rich foods on the planet. I’ve been buying Bolthouse’s Bom Dia line of acai drinks, but a friend of ours who’s from Brazil turned us on to Acai Roots’ product because it’s supposedly an even … Continue reading

Checking Out Meal Assembly Stores

There are times in every family’s life that are busier than others. For my friend Karen (as well as for many of us), the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas is absolutely chaotic. Karen and her husband Michael are pet photographers, which at first glance you might not associate with a busy season. The thing is they have hundreds of customers, many of whom order pet portraits as holiday gifts. Orders start coming in during the fall, and even as late as the week before Christmas. Karen and Michael try to accommodate all requests so…they are usually slammed and working … Continue reading

Ban Naked Popcorn Forever!

I have a confession. I have a serious addiction: I love popcorn. Seriously–my husband offered me a night out all by myself but I instead chose to stay home, rent a chick flick (starring Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant nonetheless) and eat popcorn. But this is special popcorn because I bought seasoning to go with it. Yes, I wish I were joking. . .but I’m kind of not. This is the type of thing you can only admit online because I’ll most likely never meet anyone reading this. (Unless you already know me and then well, it’s already lost cause.) … Continue reading

Fondue Kits

When is the last time you and your family had fondue for dinner? I know fondue was a big thing of the past, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still enjoy fondue today. Fondue can make a very relaxing meal. Your family can sit around the dining table, cooking their own meats and veggies, then later dip luscious fruits into melted chocolate. Doesn’t that just make you want to get out your grocery shopping list and start writing down ingredients for making fondue? Well, don’t! You can buy already-assembled fondue kits. At least you can at Whole Foods Market. … Continue reading

Are You A Busy Mom? Try This Super Fast Dinner—Sweet-n-Sour Meatballs

I’m a busy mom. You’re likely a busy mom, too. After all, aren’t we all juggling at least a few of the following: kids, husbands, housework, jobs, etc.? Who has time to cook anymore? Don’t get me wrong—I love to cook. For me, there’s nothing like making a homemade meal for my family. Still, time doesn’t always allow me to create my “culinary masterpieces.” So on the days when I either don’t feel like cooking, or simply don’t have the time, I made recipes like these. This recipe is fast and delicious. It can be prepared in your crockpot in … Continue reading

Meals to Go: An Alternative for Busy Parents

I love to cook but sometimes I really don’t feel like cooking. Most busy moms feel the same way at one time or another. I’ve often remarked that I wish I could have a chef come to my house and prepare all my meals for me. How many of you have said the same thing? With more women in the workforce and a record number of women working from home either running their own business or being fortunate enough to have a job that offers flexible work arrangements, it’s no surprise several companies have stepped in to offer prepared meals … Continue reading

In Search of Velveeta

I was at the store today and I had decided to make my favorite taco salad recipe. I had my lettuce, olives, ground beef, Doritos, Ro*tel tomatoes – all I needed was Velveeta for my Ro*tel dip and I was set. At the end of the vegetable aisle, I found a small package of Velveeta. This was possibly because it was near the Ro*tel (although it was on the opposite end). Unfortunately, I needed a larger size to make my dip. So I walk up and down each aisle, looking for Velveeta. Sometimes, I find it near the potato chips, … Continue reading

Things I Cannot Do Without In the Kitchen

I was thinking the other day about items I simply must have in my spice rack, my counter basket, my pantry, or my refrigerator and I wondered how different I was from other people. For example, do others panic if they run out of Worchestershire sauce as I do? The other day, I looked for cayenne pepper in my spice cabinet and I had none – gasp, how could this have happened? What are the other things I just must have to feel that my kitchen is complete? As for spices, I don’t feel right unless I have garlic powder, … Continue reading

Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breast

I love to eat chicken. I like chicken so much that when it comes to choosing what to make for dinner, nine times out of ten I choose some sort of chicken dish. My mother jokes that my daughter will soon turn into a chicken because we eat it so much. In any case, there is a product that makes my life a little easier when it comes to preparing meals with chicken — Perdue Short Cuts Carved Chicken Breast. The greatest part about the Short Cuts is that they are already cooked. Although there are seven varieties of the … Continue reading