The Sneaky Mama on Getting Healthy Snacks Into Your Kids

I recently received the following question: Question: I can’t seem to get away from giving my kids junk when we’re on the go. It seems that we’re always running and that it’s easier to stop at McDonald’s than it is to make sure they all have a healthy snack. Even packaged snacks seem easier when we’re at home. Help?! You’re not the first mom to think this and I’m sure you won’t be the last. I have to admit that I don’t have any quick fix solutions for you. In my opinion, changing behavior always requires a change in attitude … Continue reading

Fine Dining for Camping: Hot Dog Kabobs

There’s something about roasting stuff on a stick over a fire that’s just plain fun. There’s a certain kid appeal and although I have to admit that my children don’t always like the burnt stuff, they at least like the roasting. There were a couple different versions of hotdog kabobs that we tried while on our recent camping trip but these were our favorites! Hotdog and String Cheese Kabobs Buy cans of biscuit dough, string cheese, and jumbo sized beef hotdogs. Cut the hotdogs and string cheese up so that you can put them on a stick. However, before you … Continue reading

Fine Dining for Camping: Not Your Mother’s S’mores

I’m sure some of you have noticed a week long absence in the food blog. Our family went camping last week–and we have survived it well enough to come back and tell you what we ate! Okay truthfully, we chose a camping spot that was close enough to my in-laws that if we had issues we could flee to refuge! The first night it poured buckets and buckets of rain and so we spent the night inside the centrally air conditioned home of my lovely in-laws. However, we did make it out the subsequent night and went to town on … Continue reading

Decorated Handprint Cookies

I normally do not venture over here into the Food section. My safe zones are in Education, Marriage, and now Movies. However, as a teacher I watch my kindergarten students and my own children sit endlessly and trace their hands with crayons and markers. The girls then proceed to cut out the hands and decorate them with beautifully colored nails and fine jewelry. While the boys are not into this activity so much, they do enjoy some crafty projects every now and then! That is why when I found this adorable cookie recipe I just could not resist sharing it … Continue reading

Kids in the Kitchen—-Turkey Wraps and Hamburger Cookies

A summer thunderstorm can wreck havoc on your outdoor plans, but it doesn’t mean that it has to wash out a perfectly good day off from school. Instead of letting your children climb the walls while the showers comes pouring down outside, herd them into the kitchen and whip up some rainy day fun with these kid-friendly recipes. The first is a simple and delicious (not to mention nutritious) turkey wrap. It’s a great alternative to the same ol’ summer sandwiches and a clever way to get your kids to eat vegetables. Also, turkey is kid pleaser, low in calories, … Continue reading

Low Fat Sugary Treats

I don’t know why, but my sweet tooth comes out in full force during the summer months. Maybe it’s the thought of ice cream treats or simply the gut instinct that watermelon doesn’t cut it as the “official” dessert of a meal. (Watermelon is more like a ‘pre-dessert’.) But I do know that if I ate all of the sugar I wanted I would be approaching a summer swimsuit of grand proportions. (Think: Emmett Otter’s grandmother’s bathing suit.) In any case, it’s in that vein that I offer you two delicious summer time treats that will not cause you to … Continue reading

Birthday Cake Ideas for a Tea Party

If you haven’t done it yet, make sure to check out Lauri’s Fun blog to get ideas for great activities to go along with food–all thought of for your special girl on her special day! I have to begin by saying I for one thing that the birthday cake is highly over rated! For little fingers, I find myself liking cupcakes much better. It’s a lot less mess, and I find you can be more creative. Also, when serving cupcakes, it’s possible to do a few different flavors. I find that kids who don’t share my daughter’s infatuation with chocolate … Continue reading

Birthday Sandwiches for a Tea Party

What happens when two over grown kids put their heads together? You get a new category for the food blog & fun blogs–Birthday Parties! But make sure to check out the fun blog too as Lauri G and I are teaming up to bring you one birthday party per month complete with food ideas (in this blog) and fun ideas to go along with the theme in the fun blog. This month’s theme is a tea party for four to seven year olds. Little girls love to make believe that they are more grown up than they are and so … Continue reading

Super Easy Snacks to Go

With the cost of living on the rise, I don’t know how anyone can afford to eat tons of pre-packaged goodies anymore. Dare I say you will eat better, and for less, if you make your own snacks to go? But finding things that my kids will happily take along can be tricky. Here are a couple tried and true recipes that have passed my research and development team’s stringent testing! Caramel Granola 2 cups quick cooking oats 1 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon 1/2 cup butter, melted 5 tablespoons caramel sauce 2 tablespoons white sugar Directions Stir … Continue reading

Ask a Food Blogger: Less Processed Cheese?

Question: My kids love american cheese. They enjoy in between flour tortillas and heated in the manner of a grilled cheese sandwich. Is there an alternative cheese you could suggest that isn’t quite so processed? It is always disconcerting to me to feed my family processed ‘anything’ food. Processed cheese food, processed meat food, processed. . .well you get the idea. The fact that they can’t call it real cheese (because in fact it’s not) has always been problematic for me. When I first read this question, my initial reaction was to just used shredded cheddar. Then I got to … Continue reading