Christmas is on December 27th this Year

In case you haven’t heard, there has been a change in the calendar for Christmas Day. No longer celebrated on December 25th, as it has been traditionally. This year, Christmas falls on December 27th. News Year Eve will be celebrated on December 30th or on January 3rd. Is this for real? Yes. That is, it is for real for many people who decide to save money, into the hundreds of dollars by celebrating Christmas and New Years on days that most of us don’t. Celebrating the major holidays on off-days is a trend that has been embraced by more and … Continue reading

Father’s Day Memory Shirt

Every year, my kids make their Dad a T-shirt. We take a new white T-shirt (although one year the kids insisted on green) and some fabric paint. Each child dips a hand in one color of paint and then “stamps” the hand print on to the shirt. Then, their names are added next to their prints with a fabric marker. Finally, the date is added. We have been making these shirts since my oldest of three was an infant of just a few days old. He was born the day before Father’s Day, so the present was a little late. … Continue reading

Cute Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts (Inexpensive, Too!)

Handmade gifts, especially when they mark milestones in your child’s life can be lovely. You’ll find yourself years from now looking at them and remembering back to earlier times. I have a small collection of these gifts, and they always make me smile. For example, there is the wax cast of my first-born’s hand when he was only two. We were at a festival, and the vendor didn’t want to cast anyone under the age of four because children that age tend not to hold still. We insisted and said we would take it, no matter how it came out. … Continue reading

Benefits of Shopping the Easter Clearance Deals

Head to your favorite stores the day after to get some great Easter clearance deals. The bargains are so good that I know one mom who puts off the Easter baskets and the egg hunts until after Easter, just so she doesn’t have to pay full price. Smart lady. Many stores start there Easter clearance on Monday, the day after Easter, with bargains from 50 to 90 percent off. Don’t wait long, though, because these clearance sales, especially for popular stores such as Target, are very popular. Zone in on the candy first, and freeze it for later use. You … Continue reading

8 Frugal Ideas for the Easter Basket

Pack those Easter baskets for less this year. Here is a list of frugal ideas you can use. Homemade Treats How about some easy-to-make homemade peanut butter cups or bunny-shaped homemade chewy granola bars. These recipes and more can easily be found on Pinterest. Homemade treats are not only less expensive, but they are also free from all of the chemicals that store-bought treats have. Coloring Books Coloring books are so inexpensive, and there are many Easter themed ones out there. The provide a nice foundation for any Easter basket and can be had for a dollar or less. Stuffed … Continue reading

Snowing in Spring…Adjusting Our Frugal Plans

It is a few days past the official start of spring, and I am looking at a wintry wonderland just outside my window. The salt trucks and plows have been by, but they have to be diligent. Already the driveway and roads are covered with white. Despite about three inches of snow on the ground already and more to come, schools are not closed today. There is no excessive wind, and we are used to snow. The weather has been wrecking some havoc with our spring frugal plans. We can’t get started on our garden, and may lose out on … Continue reading

4 Frugal and Free Easter Goodies for the Kids

Celebrate Easter and thrill your little ones all while still staying frugal. Like so many frugal practices, it not about doing without but in how you go about getting what you need. Even the Easter Bunny is tightening its belt these days, it seems. Here is some advice that will keep the Easter bunny on track no matter how many little ones he has to deliver to. Baskets If you don’t already have the baskets you need around your home, just get creative. An inexpensive sand bucket usually costs less than an Easter Basket and is a bonus toy that … Continue reading

After Valentine’s Day Sales

It is the day after Valentine’s Day. The flowers may need water, the trash can may be full of candy papers and cut out hearts may be littering the craft table or floor. The aftermath isn’t limited to your home, however. Store employees are hard at work moving and Valentine’s Day products to other shelves and putting them on clearance in the process. If you can take some time to get to the stores, you’ll be rewarded with reduced and sale prices on some great items. What can you do with old Valentine’s Day products? Here are some ideas. Stuffed … Continue reading

Keeping Valentine’s Day on a Budget

According to some recent numbers, the average person spends more than $130 on his or her partner for Valentine’s day. That is $260 per couple. While that might not seem too over the top, consider that if the purchases were bought with a credit card, the interest charged on those purchases over time can add up to some pretty scary numbers. Let us bring it all down a notch and get creative. Let us keep Valentine’s Day while staying on budget. Valentine’s Day is all about being romantic, right? Romance does not have to cost much. Think about  quite dinner … Continue reading

Party Like It’s 1999

Throw a fabulous New Year’s Eve party blow out for same cost you might have paid 13 years ago. If you want to leave your old budget back in 2012 and have a fresh start in 2013, don’t blow it first thing on an expensive New Year’s Eve bash. Instead, party like a millionaire  even if you are still wearing the 90s grunge look. Recycle Christmas Decorations Most Christmas or Chanukah decorations that are in silver or gold will work well for a New Year’s Eve bash. Work with the decorations that you already have, such as placing silver ball … Continue reading