Growing an Indoor Herb Garden

We have begun the task of trying to grow herbs. I had read a book about how much money could be saved in a year, by growing your own. One to never turn my head away from anything that can save me money, I gathered my five kids together and asked who wanted to help. Excitedly, they all will be helping. Finding a family activity like this, that not only includes bonding and family time, but also responsibility and education, is rare. We were very excited to get started, but there were some things we had to think about first. … Continue reading

Growing Tomatoes Indoors

Growing your own food is certainly a very frugal hobby. But what do you do when it is winter, when your climate has a short growing cycle, or when you have a postage-size yard? Why not try growing your food indoors? Tomatoes are one of the best plants to grow indoors. An indoor tomato plant will yield fresh tomatoes any time of the year with little more than watering. For growing indoors, I prefer cherry and plum tomatoes. They are smaller in size, and there are plenty of sweet varieties that taste so yummy straight off of the vine. The … Continue reading

Growing Basil

Coming from an Italian background, I absolutely love basil. The sight and aroma of fragrant herb makes our kitchen feel warm and homey. When I am preparing meals, it is so nice to be able to just pluck a few fresh leaves whenever I need them. One of my favorite things to have for lunch is some lightly toasted Italian bread, drizzled with olive oil, topped with fresh mozzarella and whole basil leaves. It is so yummy and easy to make. In the middle of the day, while preparing peanut butter and jelly or chicken fingers for the kids, I … Continue reading