Fire Your Maid Service and Get Your Family Cleaning

Admittedly, I wouldn’t say no to maid service, if it was free that is. Since it isn’t I have to rely on myself and my family to do the cleaning. Getting three kids to clean is a chore in itself, even when just has to do with cleaning up after themselves. Still, I’d rather have train the family to clean than pay for a maid. Plus, this way, my kids get some valuable real-life lessons, thrown in. Routine is Everything Establish some cleaning routines, and cleaning won’t take up so much time. It is easier to do a quick wipe … Continue reading

Cleaning Product Clearance Items Are a Good Bargain!

Are you familiar with your grocery store’s or box store’s clearance sections? If not, you should be. They can be a source of great savings and an opportunity to stock up on much needed items for your home and your diet. I frequently shop the clearance areas, as well as check the regular shelves for any managers specials or deeply discounted products. With spring and the thoughts on spring cleaning on my mind, I wanted to talk about the good bargains that you can get on cleaning and laundry products when you shop the clearance sections for these items. Unlike … Continue reading

How to Make Your Own Cleaners

Why fill your home with a lot of expensive cleaners? You can make your own very easily and save money. Plus, with the simple ingredients that you use to make them, you can mix them up any time that you need a new supply. Save money, save time and forget about relying on sales and coupons. These cleaners are so cheap that you can be generous with how you use them. To make all-purpose cleaner, you’ll need to mix equal parts of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Add a little bit of tree tree oil, and you are all set! … Continue reading

Convenience Cleaning Supplies

When you avoid expensive convenience items, you will save money. Here are some of the top convenience items that may be making you spend more than you have. My husband came home the other day to tell me that one of his co-workers just came back from one of the local warehouse price clubs with more than $600 worth of cleaning supplies. She told him that since she doesn’t like to go out in the winter, she stocks up on cleaning supplies in the fall to carry her through the next six months. Although I like to have a clean … Continue reading

Homemade Green Cleaning Products That Work – Degreasers

If you have tried to “clean Green” while trying to scrape off greasy gunk or stuck on food, the you’ve probably noticed that you need a whole lot of elbow grease to degrease. A few places in my kitchen that get particularly dirty are the inside of the microwave, the oven and the stove top. In the past, I’d buy products like 409 or Easy-Off and it would get the job done. I’d also be choking and gasping for air due to the products’ harsh chemical smell. Although a lot of companies are now making earth-safe biodegradable products, many don’t … Continue reading

Homemade Green Cleaning Products That Work – Bleach Cleaner

Having five daughters means there’s a healthy mix of likes and dislikes, beliefs, and personal or world views to consider. One of my kids is a vegan, two are vegetarian, a few are worried about global warming, some are concerned about animal cruelty, and my 16-year-old pretty much thinks the entire world and everyone in it sucks right now. I try to remain open-minded and support them, but it can be tough and frustrating at times. I’ve stopped buying paper towels and paper plates, though I refuse to stop buying toilet paper! I read labels carefully to be sure they … Continue reading

Homemade Green Cleaning Products That Work – Air Fresheners

In my house we’re very frugal and try to live as “green” as possible. It’s not always easy finding earth-friendly products that are cheap and work well. If you’ve ever tried any of the popular eco-safe solutions, you may have been as frustrated with them as I was. They’re usually more expensive than anything I can get at the local Dollar Tree or 99 cents Only Store, they smell weird, and just don’t get the job done. In my search for cutting corners and cutting down on stress when it comes to time and money, I decided to do some … Continue reading

Need a Frugal Vacuum Solution

Can you come up with a creative solution to help me save my vacuum? Most of our family life, we have been living with hard floors in our homes. We usually prefer hardwood, but will take tile for bathrooms and for the kitchen. When we moved into our current home, there was a dingy carpet covering the front hallway and the living room, and another covering the bathroom floor. We quickly pulled up the living room carpet and finally got rid of the one in the bathroom as well. However, since the time that we have moved in, my husband … Continue reading

Inexpensive Bathroom Cleaners and Tools

How can you get your bathroom clean without spending a fortune on harsh chemicals that don’t do much anyway? Here are my best picks for bathroom cleaners, based on value and effectiveness. Comet Comet cleanser has been around since, well, I don’t know when. But I do remember my mother using it all of the time. A can of this cleanser is less than a dollar. It contains a little but of bleach and is great for cleaning up stains on tile, including water stains and mildew. Toothbrush An old toothbrush is my favorite tool for bathroom cleaning. You can … Continue reading

The Money Saving Benefits of Spring Cleaning

With the exception of Kate from Jon & Kate Plus Eight and the British ladies on “How Clean is Your House,” I’ve never seen anyone who really enjoys cleaning. Maybe I am watching too much reality television and not getting out enough, but tell me, do you like to do heavy cleaning? If you are like me and need some extra motivation, here it is. There are actually money saving benefits from spring cleaning. I’m serious. Here they are. The obvious benefit is by doing a good spring cleaning, you are eliminating a lot of allergens that might otherwise go … Continue reading