More Amazing Uses for Baking Soda

Quite awhile back I wrote an article on Frugal Uses for Baking Soda, which was a follow up to Marily’s article on Baking Soda: Another Versatile Product for your home. Here I am again to give you some great NEW ideas to use up that baking soda, that you are possibly stockpiling! Baking soda is one of those products, that has to be one of the most versatile you can have in your home, with literally dozens of uses. In addition to those mentioned in the previous articles, here are a few new ones to try: Spaghetti Stains You know … Continue reading

More Frugal Ways To Use Paper Clips

Paper clips are one of those things you often have lying around all over the house. In an earlier article about Frugal Uses for Paper Clips, I provided a few uses for them. Now I’d like to share some more! Skirt Pleats My daughter’s own a ton of pleated skirts, and washing and ironing them can be such a chore. However, I did find a way to make ironing a bit easier. Attach a paper clip to individual pleats and iron as you normally would. Helps to define the pleat and make it easier to iron! Good to the Last … Continue reading

More Great Uses For Brown Paper Bags

Several days ago I wrote an article on great uses for brown paper bags which everyone seems to have a plethora of. If you’re like me you probably have several dozen stored in your pantry or a drawer in your kitchen. In addition to the ideas you will find in the article Great Uses For Paper Bags, I now have even more great uses for paper bags! Wax Removal If you have spilled wax on carpet or your table cloth, just place a brown paper bag over the spot, and use a warm iron to gently go over the spot. … Continue reading

Frugal Ways To Use Paper Clips

If you open any desk drawer in our house, you will find a fairly large amount of standard office supplies. I have no idea why I seem to collect them but from hundreds of pens, to hundreds of pencils, paper clips, rubber bands, sticky notes and more, we have tons of office supplies. I’ve found some new ways to use up that huge pile of paper clips that you might have accumulated. I know I have hundreds, and although I have some regular uses for them, I have some new and inovative ways to use them too! Paper clips come … Continue reading

Great Uses For Brown Paper Bags

Brown paper bags are so easy to come by! You can get them for free every time you go grocery shopping, sometimes you need them for something, and other times you just stockpile them in a corner for future use. I have some great ways to start using up your stockpile of paper grocery bags and lunch bags! These tips can be adapted to work on various sized paper bags, the point is, that if you have a pile of free brown paper grocery bags, you simply cannot just let them sit! Try these ideas and see if they work … Continue reading

Five Uses for Dryer Sheets, plus one

Dryer sheets, also known as fabric softener sheets are inexpensive, and can be purchased anywhere that sells laundry supplies. Your clothes come out of the dryer smelling wonderful and don’t stick together. But there are dozens of uses for these cheap little squares, here are a few of my favorites. Caked On Food If you are having trouble getting baked on food out of a casserole dish, fill it with hot water. Add a fabric softener sheet. Let it soak for a couple of hours and then rinse. Most of the caked on food will slide right out, and the … Continue reading

More Frugal Uses for Vinegar

There are still loads of ways you can use vinegar around your house. I’ve already given you a bunch. I’m often asked, what’s the best type of vinegar to use. Well, I always use a white distilled vinegar. I’ve never tried anything else, so I have no idea what the other kinds would do. But I do know that a white distilled vinegar works wonders! Here are a few more of my favorite uses: Brass Polish Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of vinegar and stir in flour until it becomes a paste. Apply the paste to the … Continue reading