Friday Frugal Funnies: A 12 Step Program For The Frugal Mom

Being as frugal as I am, I often get strange looks from my friends who are a little less frugal. Some of my friends consider themselves frugal until they get a good look at my life. Then they reevaluate and either adapt my frugality or literally run away screaming. It’s all good in the whole realm of things. What works for me, might not work for them. Here is a great 12 step program for coping with strange looks and gentle criticism from your less frugal friends, or even your husband and children. Just a gentle reminder that you are … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: A Little Humor On the Subject of Frugality

It’s a beautiful bright sunny Friday here in the Midwest. I hope you are having some great weather too. We’ve seen the hottest days this year this past week, and finally today its a nice reprieve. This weekend is our tax free holiday weekend here in Missouri and we plan to utilize it. We’ll be going to the mall later this evening to buy some things we waited to get until this weekend in particular. If your tax free weekend is upon you, remember my frugal advice. Only buy it if you really need it. Don’t assume that just because … Continue reading

Friday Frugal Funnies – 16 Signs You Are Really Broke

Another weekend is upon us, and so is the end of the month. If you are like many people, you might be feeling a tad uncomfortable with the money you have left. It tends to get pretty tight for some, especially at the end of the month. Our entire frugal living blog is designed to help you save money in area’s of your life. So maybe you’ll have some leftover money when it finally does get here. Thought you might like a little joke to end your week, and get the weekend started on the right foot! With smiles and … Continue reading

Friday Frugal Funnies: Humor The Frugal Way

Another weekend is upon us. I’m relieved it’s finally here, since we had such a busy week! Three of our youngest children began school yesterday – year round school district – and getting everyone back on a routine (what routine?) has been difficult to say the least! Plus we still have the two older one’s home everyday and keeping them entertained and not bored without the younger ones, has been interesting to say the least. Thank goodness they have each other! I’m definitely ready for a little humor this weekend and some fun family time with no stress. I hope … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Some Frugal Humor

Hope your week has been a good one. TGIF! I am so happy the weekend is finally here, as we’ve had a busy week and have several things to accomplish this weekend. This is our last weekend before our three youngest return to school next Thursday! So we will be shopping for school supplies and a first day of school outfit for three of them! To end the week on a great note, here are a few funny budget/saving money related jokes to end your week on laughter, and start your weekend on a smile! Two accountants are in a … Continue reading