The Money Saving Mom’s Budget

When it comes to frugal living, fresh inspiration is often hard to find. Oh sure, we do what we can, from attempting a budget to washing out baggies in order to save money. Often, the problem, though, is that we aren’t armed with a solid start to finish plan. Crystal Paine’s book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget gives you that plan, and explains the importance behind each step. I haven’t seen anything this good since Amy Dacyczyn’s The Tightwad Gazette, a book on frugal living that has now pretty much obtained cult status. Paine’s book, however, is updated with more … Continue reading

Books for Frugal Living

While I hope that you can get all of the frugal living advice that you need right here, it is sometimes nice to be able to curl up with a good book. I often reread frugal living books, as well as my own blogs when I need a little boost or reminder to hunker down and save some money. Rather than give you specific titles of books for frugal living, I thought that it might be more helpful to talk about which categories of books you should be looking at to help you live frugally, while many books that have … Continue reading

5 Great Books for Saving Money on Groceries and in the Kitchen

As I’ve mentioned before, not only am I a Frugal Living guru, I’m also an avid reader. So do not think that because I’m frugal, I don’t buy anything, including books. I have a library so large in my home, I could open my own real library. The greatest part is that my personal library includes dozens of great books and ways to save money on everything from groceries to clothing and appliances to books. Here are five must have books, to help you save on groceries, cooking and food. Dining on a Dime: 1000 Money Saving Recipes and Tips … Continue reading

5 Must Have Books on Frugal Living

Being a Frugal Living guru, did not come easy. It’s taken years of practice, dedication and most of all, research. Sometimes, the research is in the form of trial and error – as in, let’s see what works and doesn’t. But sometimes it’s in the form of reading a book from the library or the bookstore. In fact, if I believe something works, I will often research to see if others have had success as well. The following books, are extremely helpful, if you plan to truly live a Frugal lifestyle. They are filled with tips, advice and all types … Continue reading