Selling on Craigslist

I’m starting my adventures. I feel as though I am constantly de-cluttering the house. We have three children that quickly outgrow clothes and toys and change interests. We are also taking our time to turn our fixer upper house into a comfortable home which means that furniture and other things that once fit in our old house (or was gotten temporarily) no longer works with our new plans. For example, we are turning one room from family room into a dual office and guest room, which means downsizing the bookcases (and the books) that were in there. Normally, our family … Continue reading

How to Pick the Best Yard Sales

With gas prices these days, it doesn’t pay to drive around for yard sales where there are no great bargains to be had. You can actually wind up losing money that way. If you are going to hit the yard sales, you’ll want to target the best ones and avoid the duds. While sometimes there are unexpected surprises when it comes to yard sales, you can usually rely on a few guidelines to locate the best ones. Know the Keywords When you are scanning an ad or a sign for a yard sale, take a look at the words that … Continue reading

Our MultiFamily Yard Sale

Yesterday, we had a big multi-family blow out yard sale. Six different families gathered on one lawn to display our wares. It was unlike any other yard sale that I have ever done, and I learned a few things along the way. Coordinating a Multi Family Sale There are special considerations to deal with when you are trying to coordinate multiple families into your yard sale. There are a lot of positive benefits to having a multi family sale, especially if you live in a semi-rural area, such as we do. Larger sales will bring out the shoppers, and I … Continue reading

Outgrown Sale Fail!

This past weekend, we attended a new to us outgrown children’s sale that several people have raved about. We were excited to attend. I had my list all ready, and the kids brought along their hard earned money to spend on something special. Walking in the door, we were stopped by a big sign announcing a $3 entrance. I was prepared for this, since I had a coupon that came in the mail for free admission. Otherwise, we would not have even bothered. Any outgrown sale that charges admission better be really good. Immediately, I was impressed with the layout. … Continue reading

Selling Your Stuff Secrets

Do you need to make a few bucks and get rid of the household clutter? If so, why not sell some of your stuff. If you do it the right way, you’ll get rid of more stuff and make some big bucks. Here are some secrets to selling your stuff. Prepare and Present “As is” is a bad phrase when you are trying to sell your stuff. Instead, do a little preparation to make your stuff seen in the best light possible. Clean everything up, tighten screws, and do whatever you can to improve the item. You’ll get rewarded with … Continue reading

Yard Sale Staging Secrets

With more and more people hosting yard sales and the fall being prime yard sale season, it is important to make sure that your yard sale stands out. With the right staging, everyone will be spending their hard earned money at your sale and not the other ones that are around the corner. Good yard sale staging takes a lot of cues from the retail industry. After all, marketing professionals have spent billions of dollars trying to figure out what makes people want to spend money. Remember the blog post that I did about how certain smells can influence how … Continue reading

Community Yard Sale Tips

Are you thinking of joining a community yard sale? Here are some tips made especially for you. They will help you get the biggest and best sales in the neighborhood. I’m not one to usually hold yard sales, but I definitely recommend participating if your community sponsors a yard sale. There will be people and cars flocking by your home anyway, so taking advantage of this to clean out your stuff and make some money is usually a good idea. These sales are usually advertised well, and most people like them because they can hit multiple sales in one shot. … Continue reading

Tips for Having an End of Season Yard Sale

On Saturday, I took my oldest child out with me in the morning to scout out for yard sales. We were raring to go and ready to spend. So why didn’t any of the yard sales we found separate us from our money? The people who were hosting the sales had no clue how to have a yard sale at the end of the season. It is too bad, because they could have really cleaned up. Here are some tips to help you avoid their mistakes and make money with an end of season yard sale. Advertise I found out … Continue reading

How to Price Used Furniture

Used furniture can be a tricky thing to sell. Some items will sell for more than others. Also, where you choose to sell your furniture can make a big difference in how much you will get for it. If you are thinking of selling some of your furniture, then you’ll want to read the following information. The biggest mistake that people make when selling used furniture is to price it too high. Even if you bought it recently and it is in good shape doesn’t mean that you can sell it for what you paid–not even close. Unless the furniture … Continue reading

Reasons Why Garage Sale Items Are Overpriced

You may remember a previous blog I posted that talked about how pricing at outgrown sales and thrift stores has been on the high side for me, lately. It seems that things are just so overpriced, even compared to retail (when on sale). Well, I have been noticing some of this same thing in garage sales. Not by any means the majority of garage sales. Most that I visited last weekend were quite reasonable. But there were a few sellers who wanted to hold out on high prices and tough to negotiate with. The response I kept hearing at these … Continue reading