Party Activity for School Age Kids: Pass The Book

Are you involved in the planning for play and party activities for your school age children? Here are some ideas to help you make your party interesting and fun, without having to worry about how much it is going to cost. It’s also a great learning activity for young children. Send a note home to parents asking them to send to school a new or gently used book to school with their children. Have them wrap the book in holiday paper and then gather the children up into a circle. You might want to bring a few extra wrapped books … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Books to Read with your Kids

Valentine’s Day is arriving soon. Do your young children know what it’s all about? Here are a few good books for your little guys about Valentine’s Day. They will help you explain what it is, what to expect, and are just good fun. If you can’t find them at the library, most are paperback and inexpensive from the bookstore or Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink by Diane deGroat This book is about Gilbert, who writes two not-so-nice valentines to classmates as a prank. But the outcome of his prank goes far beyond what he expected. Hopefully it’s … Continue reading

Top Ten Family Reading Books

Do you read out loud to your family? If not, maybe you should give it a try. By reading some classics and some new releases, you share the past and present world of literature with your kids and spouse. Choose one night a week to turn the TV off and read for an hour after dinner. You may be surprised how much fun you have, and you’ll also be encouraging creativity, imagination, and a literary education. Here are my top ten books for families to read aloud: 10. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (adventure) – About a boy, a … Continue reading