Fun Riddles

“Laughter is the best medicine,” is actually a true statement. Laughing releases chemicals in the brain, which in turn make a person feel better. In previous blogs Laura Torres talked about the value of jokes and knock-knock jokes and shared some of her favorites. But I prefer riddles. They require the listener to really think about the question before answering. Typically the obvious answer is incorrect. The one telling the riddle is usually the one to get the best laugh. Q. A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors? A. … Continue reading

Make It A Movie Night

Movie night can be a great time for a family to come together and have some good family fun. But sometimes what was supposed to be fun for all turns into more of a brawl. So follow these few simple steps to guarantee that your next family movie night is a roaring success. Set a time. Choose a date and make sure that everyone is aware that the night is set-aside for a family movie night. Then just like when you are going to the theatre set a time that your family movie is going to start. When the time … Continue reading

5 Steps To Making Family Game Night A Success

Playing games is a great way to spend time together as a family. But you also want to make sure that the activity is a success and not something that causes you to not want to speak to each other. To ensure that you having a successful game night follow these five simple steps: 1. Set a date. Make sure that everyone in your family is aware that you are having a family game night and that everyone is expected to be there. Setting a date shows that you value family time and gives family member something to look forward … Continue reading

Go On A Bug Hunt

No need to travel to Africa to go on a safari. There are plenty of wild animals in your backyard – of the bug variety. Although on this hunt you won’t need to worry about being eaten by a lion you might need some bug spray to keep off the mosquitoes. To prepare for your bug hunt gather the following items: Magnifying glass – to see bugs in detail Insect net – to catch flying insects Clear plastic container – to hold insects on the ground Water – for you to drink Now that you have your gear ready it’s … Continue reading

Top 5 Things To Do On A Rainy Day

1. Dance. Since your children can’t exercise outside and run off their pent up energy a rainy day is a great time to put on some music and let your children dance. My kids have fun dancing to kids tunes, music I grew up listening to as well as more modern artists. I often dance with them and get my exercise for the day in as well. 2. Put on a puppet show. Puppets are always a lot of fun especially when you can’t play outside. My children love putting on puppet shows for my husband and I. We have … Continue reading

Our Top 10 Family Activities

Here are the top 10 activities that my family likes to do. What activities does your family enjoy doing? 1. Watch a movie. Friday nights are movie nights. We usually get pizza and watch a family movie. It isn’t always easy finding something that everyone can enjoy, but the search is worth it. There is nothing like squishing together on the couch for good, fun family entertainment. 2. Go swimming. I’m not sure what attraction the water has for kids, but most kids love the water. Mine are no exception. Whether it is splashing in the little pool in the … Continue reading

Share Your Family History

Family history has been growing in popularity and chances are many of you have been hit with the genealogy bug: the desire to know more about your ancestors, who they were and the lives that they led. So why not share this information with your children. Give your children a chance to learn of their heritage and the great and not so great things their forbearers did. Start with your child’s or your grandparents. My grandpa died right after I was married and my grandma just after the birth of my second child. My son has faint memories of her … Continue reading

Celebrate Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day is July 24th. Whether or not you had any ancestors who crossed the plains in search of religious freedom, better farmland, or even gold, this month is a great time to remember the many men, women, and children, who made the long trek across the plains to settle the west. So take some time this month to celebrate the pioneers. Share Pioneer Stories Pioneer stories are a great way to share the pioneering spirit with your children. Many stories are faith promoting; others express the dangers of pioneer life, while some are humorous. If you had ancestors who … Continue reading

Boat Races

Boat races are a fun way to enjoy the water without getting wet, unless you jump in to save your boat of course. Find a small stream and place your boats in the stream at the same time. Then watch to see whose boat wins the race. You can also run water in a gutter and have a gutter boat race. Only do this is there are no water restrictions in your area. Another type of race can be done in a children’s wading pool or other swimming pool. Plastic boats do not work well for this type of race. … Continue reading

Put On A Puppet Show

One year for Christmas my mother made my children a puppet theatre along with a whole bag full of puppets. My children loved them. (My girls especially loved the princess, unicorn, knight, and dragon). They have spent many rainy and snowy days making up puppet shows that they then present to an audience of one, me. My son’s first puppet-show he wrote himself went something like this: “The little boy went to the zoo. He saw the tiger. The tiger got out of his cage and chased the boy. The boy got away. The zookeeper put the tiger back in … Continue reading