Family Games = Fun!

I began selling toys a few years back. Through all the parents I’ve met and seminars I’ve attended, I can see how playing with your children is a great way to create a closeness and open up communication. But when your children get older, they no longer want to play with toys. However, they never outgrow games! One of the best ways to create a parent/child bond is by having family game night. Since my son Alex, 6, is growing up so quickly, we have begun playing games two to three times a week. Though we sometimes include Billy, we … Continue reading

Review of Shrek 2 Playstation Game

Rated: E for Everyone Cost: $20-$30 Age: 5+ Rating: 5 Stars My son recently received the Shrek 2 Playstation Game for his birthday. I am very picky when it comes to games. I want something that will be challenging without being to difficult, not contain graphic violence, basically an E rating, if possible allow multiple players to play at the same time, and be something that my husband and I won’t mind playing with him. I was not disappointed with Shrek 2. The game allows up to four people, if you have that many controllers, to play together. Each person … Continue reading

Review of the Game: Blink

Cost: $10.00 Age Range: 4 and up Number of Players: 2 When we went to visit my mother this summer she had just bought the game Blink for the grandkids to play. She bought it after seeing how much her sister’s grandkids enjoyed the game. My children enjoyed it just as much. My kids had so much fun trying to beat Grandma. Even though the box says it is for children ages seven and up, my six year old was really good at it. And my four-year-old could play it at a slower pace too. There are four colors of … Continue reading

Review of Settlers of Catan

Number of Players: 4 (although you can buy an expansion set) Age Range: 12+ Cost: $23-$38 Settlers of Catan is an adult game from Germany that is quickly growing in popularity across the United States. I enjoy games that are a combination of luck and skill and this is one of the best. The premise is simple yet difficult to master. It is fun to play with just two players, but four adds an extra challenge. The Settlers of Catan is a game about building and trade. Each player uses five resources – wood, ore, wheat, wool, and brick – … Continue reading

Review of Stare Junior Game

I am always looking for fun games that our entire family can play. This isn’t always an easy task since my children are ages 6, 4, and 2. The task of finding a game my two-year-old can participate in and my six year old doesn’t think is too babyish can be daunting. I finally thought I had found a fun game our family could enjoy. I turned out to be wrong. I read all of the reviews about the game before requesting it as a family gift for Christmas from my sister. Since that time it has been played once. … Continue reading